Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:57

What are we afraid of when power changes hands?

article image placeholderUnpacking the Backlash to Rishi Sunak - Between The Scenes | The Daily Show
And obviously there's no judgment on the generation that exists right now, right, that these things were done by their ancestors. And that is not what we are discussing yet the remnants of that, what is it that disqualifies a person who is British from doing their job? Why is this anger, this visceral anger against someone's ethnicity so disappointing and also so problematic, right?

Video: https://t.co/j1jtySPXoF #AskSwell #BSwell



But if you're attempting to create a system or use a system for the purposes of control, you're almost having the system exist as separate from you, apart from you and there's a disconnect between self and the rest of these things and so there's less room for complexity and nuance. I don't know if that makes any sense, it's in my head having difficulty articulating it
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:54
In India, we have seen how when a politics party is voted out of power, the big wigs from that party keep a low profile for a while until their name resurfaces in connection with ed rates and so on. So the culture of vendetta politics is not new to Indians and nor is the phenomenon of so and so are taking over the country. We don't even consider that this could be a rightful claim. Right
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:56
But that said, I can see a lot of people freaking out at his elevation to the top post. I do think perhaps the backlash also stems from not just the fear of whether they would do to us what we did to them, it is also, in a way, an acknowledgement of guilt. Right? And also maybe from some level of embarrassment too
Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:48

Role vs identity @Binati_Sheth

The third reason is of course, there are genuine cases where people have bigotry as part of their DNA. It's their core construct. They have years of hardened conviction that this is how it should be, it's my way or the highway. They have limited world view and they will not stop until they see their truth come to light. And in fact, they think of themselves as activists
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:51


But then you know that look when the face is pinched and the lips are very tightly held together, you can see it that they are holding their mouth shut even though they want to open it. And this is what it reminded me. This is probably what they were trying to hold on to, right. In a sense, a very visual identity marker, which is the color of your skin and your ancestry of sorts
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:43


It's a lot of different factors. It's a Tory Prime Minister, so that probably also has a lot to do with it. The overall sentiment against hardcore Conservatives currently is very negative globally because some of the things that the Conservatives are holding on to are conservative and we are looking towards a world that is making ideally, that is making a lot of liberal leeway of sorts, right? We want equal rights for everyone
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:46


Yeah, yeah. No, you are absolutely right. I am realizing that this is not just about ethnicity alone. There's about a lot of different factors that are coming together into like perfect malach or emotions that's it also, like, listening to you, I had an odd thought that maybe they put him there as a skateboard. Right. Because that is largely seen as one of the reasons why Obama was given the shot, right?
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:48


I mean, with UK, the energy prices alone, courtesy of all the shenanigans being played by Russia, that in and of itself is such a pain point. And everything else about their economy since Brexit has been an absolute dumpster fire, right? So questioning that, the reasons behind that, that is difficult. Asking why petrol has become expensive, understanding the answer of that, it requires a lot of knowledge, right? And asking why there is a brown Prime Minister for a white country