Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:43

Has this ever happened to you?

Let me tell you what life is like without functioning Internet connection. Hello, Swell. Since February, Vinity has not had super strong, super fast Internet connections and she is completely relying on hot spots that are coming from her phone. I have an Air TL 4G connection, which is strong if you have good network connectivity. But I don't. I barely get three towers when I'm being lucky. Mostly it's on two right now as I speak. Yes, it's on two

Life with limited internet for at least two months. Cool? #BSwell

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:48


Totally valid. But they were like naichai. So there's literally no towers. There's an entire township that I live in to do ajabaduki society where whoever has put in towers, that's where I get like two cell phone towers from. And this is the best cell phone reception, by the way, atl gives the best BSNL to zero towers. Like, you won't get any reception. Guruj method. It's so ridiculous. Same with Reliance, you and all of these other service