Bharti Jain
@bharti_7123 · 3:38

Is It Really What We Think?

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For example, if we think they are not cool but put it themselves to be. Maybe they also think that these people, as in our society, will not understand them or that we are more egoistic than them. Society has created a frame for this chapter level like we have some traits linked to them and they some trades linked to us so is it only a matter of perspective or do we really have these different categories median and society? What are your takes on this

#sayitonswell #swellcast

anushri arora
@Anushri_1710 · 3:23
And I guess that's how society has been working since Years. And even if people are getting educated, if they aren't thinking logically, they would be here in this martial land. Jain. And again, this vicious cycle would continue to repeat