Michael Burgess
@beitmenotyou · 1:06

Use swell as a voice #twitter

I can put the trailers for it up here for each episode and then start a conversation around that episode because I can put the link in and everything else. And that's basically what I do on Twitter anyway. So use this as like a voice platform Twitter. So I've got me Typed Twitter as Twitter dot com be it me, not you and then Swellcast. Com be it me, not you for individual voice snippets of either me podcast or just conversations

i had an idea of using swell as twitter but with my voice

Todd Mitchell
@Todzilla · 0:45

This checks out.

But I also have an account for Gamedef Breakdown, and I put up teasers status updates about when the show goes into editing. I'll put up something when it comes out, and I've already booked one guest through Swell, and I've probably got another one coming up here soon, so I think it's been effective. I know we're in the early days of all this, but I'm happy to be here. I think it's going well