The Beacon
@BeaconOV · 0:45

Gentrification through Adoration

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Hi, everyone. This is your favorite editor in chief, river, and I'm here to present the Gentrification through adoration piece by Jane Elliott. Jane is not able to give a reading of her article and so I'm going to do it for you. So you have to put up with my raspy voice that hasn't read or spoken out loud too much above yelling. And so I'm going to read through the article for you in the reply and I hope you enjoy it


The Beacon
@BeaconOV · 3:38

Reading by the Editor

Urban the phrase urban revitalization has been tossed around frequently in recent years. With our sad, slow decline over the past few decades, we are communities desperately in need of hope, excitement, and new economic opportunities. But at what cost? The economic and cultural boom of the 1950s is gone, and with the continued closure of the steel mills, new, new sources of growth need to be found