Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:59

Blossom in Your Calling

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Reach for the stars so that others can know such goals are achievable each step helps get us to where we are going forging a path to follow as we make a way for others. Trailblazers love to get through achieve the dream know that what we've gone through may make it a little easier for another. Experience is a reference to grasp and to guide to learn that life is surmountable with God at our side. Share Your Story you never know who needs your tactics for their own survival

#destiny #purpose #perseverance #faith #survivalguide

LaQuita Middleton
@PowerhousePoets · 2:27
So the most impactful poetry is not always the ones where people are yelling out loud and they're walking around the room and they can't find a single spot to stand in. Sometimes poetry is that vulnerability that you are able to write and express in your poem. Sometimes it can be opening yourself up and it's kind of like vulnerability as well, but opening yourself up to others in ways that you probably would be afraid to do in real life