Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:50


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Good morning, swell family. Becky here from Visions expression and I would just like to share this piece that I wrote. The photo was taken by my grandson's dad. He scubas the wreckages in Lake Superior where we live. And I just thought this hit very close to home. Spoke very deeply. The gears like jewels stored in a wooden box waiting to be happened upon, to be shown again and be useful once more. Even in wreckage she is useful. For there is beauty in the stillness


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:43

#poetry #inspire #secondchances

Hey, Becky. What a powerful message of transformation and revitalization and just getting second chances and just not being, quote, unquote, destroyed or wasted away. I think that your poem very beautifully captured the beauty of this experience that you're, you know, son's, grandpa, I think is what you said experienced, and you're able to capture it and write something so beautiful from it