Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:42

Are you pretending to be Superman ?

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Now, you're in this job where you want to do well. You want to showcase your talent. You want to take on that additional stretch project. You're ambitious. You want to grow fast. You want to be visible. And anytime there is a hint of a problem, you present yourself as the available solution. You present yourself as the available problem solver. Air quotes on that and you think, well, that's the right thing to do. It's a noble thing to do

Are you trying to be a Superman all the time? #career, #life

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 4:58
And for some people, it just doesn't work. You know, they can't handle too much pressure and they just do what they are supposed to be doing. And they're neither specialists nor, like I said, all rounders, try to work for the heck of it. So, yeah, there is a gray area here and I hope this message added value to your conversation. And all the best. God bless
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:08
And so I've reached a space where on my healing journey, I've reached a space where I'm over that and I'm done with that. And I put information out there fully and authentically, not in a way to air quotation, tell all of my business or air the dirty laundry, so to speak, but in a way to say, hey, I am human and I know this is happening for others and it is going to be okay. Here are some resources to help
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:00


But I don't bear that responsibility because it's a lot, and people would find fault or be disappointed because you do something or say something that's not aligned to what you usually do. I know there's a person in my job constantly. She's there, and she's always willing to help, but then she complains about every single thing. And I'm like, that serves no purpose to me. Because nobody asked you to do it
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 3:04


And I think all the more so when you're leading team, it's very important for people to feel motivated to work with you, right? And that becomes very important, especially when you are in a domain that is not your core domain areas. There are so many factors at play here. While one word would want to be a Wonder Woman and flex one's muscles. So I'm sharing a link to that article. I would love to know your thoughts on that article
article image placeholderWhen It Comes to Promotions, It’s About Who Knows You … Not Who You Know
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 2:50

@Wordsmith : do introverts rise the same way?

So the workaround to crack the code was to probably identify a stretch project which could have an orgwide impact on teamwide or a business unit wide impact. And I picked up such. And these are long complex projects that don't have instant gratification, so one has to bide the time. But when these projects come off successfully, then the.org starts to talk about you and that's the cue for you to make your story or make your presence felt
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 0:42


Hey, Luciana, thanks so much for responding to this. Well, you know, your response is something that I've heard many people classify as leadership material. This is a classic leadership material response that you will be the voice of reason and you will help nurture, guide people and be the support where required and probably lead from behind somewhere. Be the fallback option in case s*** hits the fan. And if required, digging the trenches and then show them how it is done
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 2:05

@Her_Sisu : how do you break out of being in denial?

I think most people struggle between conviction and being in denial and sometimes they're convinced that this should be done. But the power of denial, being in denial is so high that it stops them from taking that next step. And so I'd love to hear what could be those signs or trigger points which says I'm being in denial and here's where I should stop and convince to take action a countermeasure or counteraction and then get on with life and move to a different direction
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 3:50

@taha_oracle : the aayanman triangle ! :)

I think it has an additional line now. It says survival of the most adaptable. So those sort of people who adapt more to a given situation circumstance tend to be more resilient and they find their time in the sun eventually. And so these are just suggestions. They work for some people, they don't work for some people. But it's probably a journey. It's a 30 year career. Like if you look at it that way, right, it's a 30 year journey
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:06
And this is a very, very interesting way. I'm very happy to hear your perspective on this and how you tackle this. And it gives me food for thought, and I'll definitely be sharing this with them. And by, I think you should call your swell cast guan doc. There's so much of Guan, really. So thank you. Thank you for this
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:36


Thank you. That's a great question. How does someone break out of being in denial? They do it. It's different for different people. And you had even stated that. And the trigger points are different for different people. However, for my personal, personal experience and from conversations I have with other people, what is common is people expressing that they get to a point where they are tired of being in the same situation. It might be a different environment, different dynamics, different people