Andrea Gallinger
@ARae86 · 2:59

Those angels

To this day, my mother and I still joke about that experience and say, those angels are still there. Indeed, something was. It makes a person, religious or not, wonder what is within this world that we cannot see, but is all around us

This is story about an interesting thought provoking experience I had tagging along with my brother and his friends at a "psychic fair"

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:56

#multiverse #theory #science #wonder

Andrea, what a wild story. Thank you for sharing. I agree with you so fully. There is so much to this experience, and I was having a conversation last week with somebody here on swell and kind of likening reality to. They were talking about multiverses. I'm sure you could probably just search in the bar, multiverse or multi universe, and it may show up, but it is crazy. I feel like it's kind of like a radio station