Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:25

In Conversation with Jason Sequeira

He had the opportunity to interview Dr. BN Suresh, the Vice Chancellor of the Indian Institute of Space and Technology. Before starting the interviews talks like to inform all the youth and the young professionals out there that they can sign up for a free one on one clarity call with Jason Sequera that will enable you all to have more clarity and help on the areas that you need to focus and do supporters by watching our YouTube video as well. The link is attached to the description below

#swell #IndiaSpotlight #AuthorInterview #jasonsequeira #Inconversationwith

Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:12


Welcome Jason Sequera on swell. So my first question to you is how did you embark on this journey of a career coach?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:27


When I came into engineering, I remember I became part of this company, and I took an opportunity to train myself, to develop myself, to become more skilled. First two years after my engineering, during my engineering, I mean, which is my second and third year, I took that opportunity to train myself in skill development, in personal skills and professional skills, creative develop myself completely, go for a lot of trainings
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:11


That's truly wonderful and motivating to know. Jason, my second question to you is, who were your mentors and how did they train?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:56


So I had a couple of mentors, you know, trained me in my skill development, couple of mentors who, when I went for larger events, who went and trained me in terms of finances, how do I financially do, how do I understand people, how do I support them?
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:22


I think we definitely do need a community to be a part of and where we can feel appreciated and where we learn a lot of things. So thank you for that insight. Jason, my next question to you is what are some of the skills you feel all the youth need to have irrespective of the career field they are in?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:44


So I think skills is one way to help you evaluate are you growing for you to be able to have better results, be confident about yourself that if you could do this, you could conquer the world, you could do a lot more. I think that is really important to have and I think as I said, it's personal skills, your technique, a couple of technical skills are also important
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:12


You for breaking the ice on this particular topic. Jason, my next question to you is what motivates you to be on this path consistently?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:07


Ah, I think this is an interesting question, Alicia. I think the first thing that really motivates me to be on this path, you know, to keep helping out people is when I remember how I was, the struggles, the the challenges, just to speak up, to talk to people, to, you know, how I valued myself was pretty challenging. Earlier, I would would consider myself to be invaluable a person who could not achieve anything in his life
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:18


That definitely does push a lot of buttons for most of us who have heard this well from you, Jason. My next question to you is, what is your advice on taking big risks and being the truest version of yourself?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 0:48


So you do take the risk, but it's more like a calculated risk, because your mentors have already walked out that path and they will be able to help you grow in a much more faster way in the right direction, cutting you short of mistakes, cutting you short of time. I think you need to take a risk with the right mentor. That's what I would say. And that helps you to help become the truest version of yourself
Srija Sadhukhan
@Srijasadhukhan · 1:05
And my question is that, like, how how to have a particular goal and to chase that, like, how you as a carrier girl professionalist, how will you guide a kid who is just completed their graduation from engineering or a BAC course from biotechnology? So how will you guide that need for that carrier? How will give the conception for guiding the rest of the carrier? So it would be very helpful if you guide me with that. Thank you
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 3:24


I have good skill of app development. Now I can start creating apps for companies and market them with the video editing skill that I have. So once you start developing multiple skills, variety of career opportunities open up for you, and you start liking one particular taste. And when you like that one particular flavor, one particular taste, we help you go much more deep down in career. So the first step, what we always say is first step is your personal development
Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 1:08
What was the turning point in your life that made you realize that you need to be a life coach? And you are the light which will bring the difference to the society and you can guide people in different directions. Thank you
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:40


I was seeing through all of this even though when I was graduating, I did get a couple of offers from It companies. But I felt that at that time my passion was I want to help people. I had good packages really really well. And at that time I realized if I take a job, I will be independent, I'm going to live an amazing life. But what about those people who do not have anybody? What about those people who are exactly like me?
Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 0:43
Hello sir myself Shrawani and I would like to ask you the turning point in your life on what made you to turn into this life coach career and I would also like to know in what day or how today's generation will come to know their passion or their future I mean like what they could be do in the future
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:23


You explore with developing lot of skills like maybe technical skills like 3D designing and printing, maybe app development, maybe AI, whatever skills that you are interested in or creative skills like graphic designing, digital marketing and sometimes you find out your passion only when you have developed these skills. And guess what? The beauty is ravani that when you have developed multiple skills, you could use multiple skills to carry out your passion. Because today to carry out your passion just one skill is not enough
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:29


Thank you, Jason, for that piece of advice. I think what most people do is take uncalculated risks and play with time. So I think this should be a lesson for all of us who have heard yes, well and have got a new insight from it. So my next question to you is can you give us a sneak pee into your book? What matters?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:11


This book is specially for those who feel fearful, who feel afraid, who feel low about themselves. This book is for them to tell them, no, you're not alone in this journey. I have been there. I came over it. I overcame it, and you two can. So it's a journey to build your self esteem. It's a journey to grow, to become much more confident
Sushma Shree Asthana
@Sushma_10 · 1:06


Hello, Sir Jason, this is Sushma and this is an honor to have you answering my question. First of all, I want to tell you that I am at a step in my life where I am entering the college and after my courses, after I graduate, it will be decided what career path I will choose. So I have always I have been of Sciences dream in my class 11th and 12th, and the undergraduate course I'm choosing is also from the Sciencestream BTech
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:46


Um hi Sushma. I think that's a beautiful question and I'm really really happy to see that you have clarity in what you want to do. And sometimes this is the society that we live in Sushma where we're constantly criticized for the choices we make and I think that is something that was really troubling for me as well initially. A lot of people ask me you did four years engineering. What is this course that you've taken up? Why did you get a high paying It job?
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 0:57
Hello. Very good afternoon to you, Jason sir. I am Kadambari Gupta. And my question to you is, sir, that these days children after twelve are very very confused about what they want to pursue. And if they want to pursue something which is different from the traditional careers like being a doctor, engineer, etc it becomes difficult. So I want to know that how one should go about it
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 3:27


But I also want to tell you there are really lot more successful people in a lot other fields than engineering and medical. And if you're pursuing acting, please do find out a person that you can take mentorship from who can help you, guide you in the field of acting and help you go a long way. And that would be something really helpful because your parents would then see that you're not just doing it for a passion
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:37


For that, jason. It was truly wonderful and I will definitely be reading your book in the future. And I encourage all of you to read the book What Matters, to gain inspiration and insight and take a step ahead in your life as well. I'll be putting the link in the description below in this web. So thank you once again, Jason. My next next question to you is what is your podcast become a superhero about and what can we expect from that podcast?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 1:32


They got right mentors, they took decisions which were so hard for them, but yet they wanted to grow. And this podcast offers an opportunity for people to get hope, to see that no matter where they are, however they are struggling, there is always hope for something better. There's always hope for something more. And that's why I interviewed those people in that podcast with how they broke through, how did they achieve lots in their lives?
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:10


That's definitely a power move. Jason, my last question to you is what is the one liner of success that you believe in?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 0:39


And that is going to be so much more awesome for you when it comes in your life and the weight is worth it. So that is something I would love to share is when things don't go your way, just have faith in God. He's bringing something much more awesome in your life
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 1:51

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel inspiring eye as well and help us to grow this community and get even more people on Swell so that you can interact with them, you can talk to them. Most importantly, please do not forget to utilize this amazing opportunity and book your free one on one clarity call with Jason Sequeira. The link is in the description below
mannya nayar
@shesalliwannabe · 0:39
Vanessa. Very good afternoon, David. I would like to ask you, how do you think marketplace focus, the market? Distraction, as in world, is vast and wide as well. So, you know, there are a lot of distractions, including, you know, when when one enters college, you see people being fashionable, you see people being a fashionable and you somewhat, you know, want to be that. How does one come back on track?
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:38


Hello. This is an awesome question that you have asked, you know, about distractions. And today, you know, as the world is, we have a lot of distractions around us, whether it's social media, you know, wanting to fit in, wanting to set a couple of examples that you mentioned as well, you know, wanting to be fashionable, sound cool, look cool, you know, want to fit in
Prabha Iyer
@PSPV · 1:03


They say, right, advising is easy, following it is very difficult. So, have you ever felt that before motivating others, you should keep yourself self motivated or you should have high spirits or high regards about yourself so that you can actually communicate with people who feel low or depressed? So I just wanted to ask you this question. Thank you so much, sir. Once again, all the best
Jason Sequeira
@jasonms2013 · 2:11


Because it's when those times of motivation comes or when we are down, it's only that strong why that we chose, like why I'm doing this career or why am I helping out people. It's that why that will motivate me back again or inspire me back again to take a lot more action. So this is what I would answer back to this question. I hope it answered your question. And really, thank you so much for putting this question forward. Thank
Chandrika Devi ;)
@Devii_official · 1:00
I mean eventually students, they just finish their 12th standard and then they just join some college based on the marks they have got. And people have this whole misconception whether they have got high score have the myth where if you get higher marks you'll join science. If you get average enough marks in your boats you're going to end up joining commerce or arts or whatever. So how do you advise students to pick up a career which they are truly interested to?
Tanya Singh
@tanyasingh27 · 1:55
Hello, sir. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable thoughts and for sharing your motivating journey. It was very nice listening to you. So my question to you is that the job of a career guider or a career mentor, or in other words, I should say career coach, is really important. He or she holds the future of the students. They actually shape the mind of every child in their front to choose what they want to pursue in their future
