Alexander Hawkins
@AlexHawkins · 3:07

#Perspective | Are we living in a simulation, or are we real...?

You. The question on whether or not we're living in a simulation ultimately comes from a philosophical school of thought called determinism, which basically just says, because of the laws of cause and effect, that everything obeys those laws. Then theoretically, if we knew all the information in the universe, we could predict everything that was ever going to happen and everything that ever has happened. So therefore, this ability to predict would allow something like a computer simulation and artificial intelligence

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Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:07
There's also a similar philosophy called solipsism, which is that everything that you experience is just in your brain. We're just a brain experiencing the world, which I guess we kind of are anyway. So I feel like it's too somehow too heady and less of a problem than what we actually do with this life, be it a simulation or not. But I don't know. What do you think about that?
Alexander Hawkins
@AlexHawkins · 1:37


I 100% agree on the grounds that the actual question is merely a theoretical debate in nature and it doesn't actually matter whether or not we are and what terms it is on. Sorry, excuse me there. But in terms of the south system that you mentioned, I think a lot of people that do agree that we are living in a simulation and have that belief, they think in that mindset. And I actually think that's exactly why they're wrong