Aaditya Menon
@Aldebaran · 4:39

#TellYourStory | The best advice I ever received was...

I don't know if this would qualify as advice received, but there is that. There are quite a few lessons I've learned and a few tenets that I've personally adopted from a lot of these japanese anime shows. Something that, you know, sat with me really early and which I follow or, you know, have it ingrained in my memory, is from this beautiful series called full metal alchemist brotherhood, in which the premise of alchemy is captured in a very beautiful saying, equivalent exchange

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp6 @rocio

Sarika Jha
@Aazadlabb · 2:24
That was a nice. Well, but I would differ on one thing that, you know, nothing comes easy. That is something that we have been fed on all our lives and we have been made to believe so that has gone deeper into our subconscious. So every time you. But I see that you believe in manifesting and you believe in universe. In the universe. So I would say every time, every time you are trying to manifest something, please add a line