@AFreeMass · 0:50

Tear Jerker Movies

All right, here's a question for everybody. What are three movies that during specific scenes, you get choked up? I'll go, number one is definitely Goodwill. How one thing, it's not your fault. I hear that all that water works come out. Second one is my girl, especially when she starts off saying, want to go tree climbing? Thomas J. Oh, God. And the last one is this for my Gen X people, Empire of the sun with Christian bells

#tearjerkers #sadmovies

Jisella (she/her) Saito
@jisellas · 1:46
But I think something about the montage of them living their lives together because, you know, how the ending is going to be is just really sad to me because in such a short amount of time and without dialogue, they're able to kind of show this true love and struggle that their relationship went through. It reminds me so much of like watching my parents grow up together, watching my grandparents, and it really gets me. So yeah, I love this question. I love tearjerkers sadmovies
@AFreeMass · 1:04


Thank you very much for your reply. I remember seeing Steel Magnolias a while ago. I don't remember too much about the movies, but yeah, I remember it had a sad moment in it. Actually. I've never seen up. I keep meaning to. I don't know if you want to see tear, tearjerkers, sadmovies know my girl is definitely a tear jerker. It's like that confusion that she has growing up, the main character and her friend dying and it's really sad
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Liv Blair
@livblair · 0:53
I think it just said a lot because the whole film, it's like she's grappling with this relationship with her mom where she feels so distant. But at the same time, you can kind of tell that Lady Bird seems to be more like her mom than she would like to admit. And it's just really interesting because then it's like when the director decides to basically like say in that shot, they are the same person that just like that just hit me
@AFreeMass · 0:32


Lady Bird was a great movies. Yeah. I think I also remember getting emotional at that scene as well, period. Especially. I think didn't they like make amends with each other or something or. I don't remember the whole movie. Another film, another scene that always chokes me up is 28 Days, Sandra Bullock and her sister. That speaks to me on a couple of levels. But yeah, that was another other one