Aditi Singh
@Adititalks · 4:30


So we as people need to upgrade ourselves and evade our souls rather than just being the situations, right, let's do this. Let's spread this well cast as much as possible. Let's engage with this wellcast as much as possible so that this right formula of stress in life can reach to more and more people


Anya Sood
@anya08 · 0:58
If they think five chapters in an ssd exam is stress, what are they going to do when they grow older? Building resilience is key to keeping up with your mental health. Instead of telling yourself you can't do something, tell yourself to put in your 100%. Failure is the best success. Failure and mistakes teach you so much more in life than in any success can. Whether you fail or not, durkibat, at least try and give it your best shot
