Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:42

Panaahon Mein

Hi. I've released my single on the occasion of World Music Day. It's called Panahomi. It is a song of longing, of hope and of love. And I hope all of you enjoy enjoy it. It's available on all the leading audio platforms and the video is going to be out shortly in the next couple of days. So here's hoping you enjoy my music and all that I to offer musically in the coming months and in the future ahead. Thank you. Bye

My new single is out on leading audio platforms. A romantic ballad in Hindi, it’s a song of longing, hope, and love. https://song.link/panaahonmein

Dharmin Chanda
@bombayblues · 0:40


Hi. Thanks for having shared your newly released single Panama. I think I think you very well articulated the whole crux of what your what your new single is is going to be all about, and I'm truly looking forward to hear it either on Spotify or on one of the platforms that I might. Thanks. So thanks for having shared that quick intro. We'll truly look forward to check out the song and then connect back with you. Cheers
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:58


Thanks once again for appreciating the song and the fact that you even took the trouble to go through my entire audio text of what the song is about and I can't wait to hear what you think of it. Thank you. Incidentally, the video also comes out tomorrow evening at 05:00 p.m. On my YouTube channel, Abhilasha Rocha. All right, thanks, bye
Dharmin Chanda
@bombayblues · 4:47


But well, having come from whatever little music background that I come from, not that I'm a veteran or some sort of pro to even be able to evaluate something as serene as bad, but having said that, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything or I'm not going to be only about stuff
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 1:29


Thank you for taking out the time to listen to it, to understand it, to give me feedback that I will definitely do good with. It's really feedback from your heart, and I appreciate every single word of what you said. Thank you for listening to the song that closely and for giving us your interpretation and your thoughts on it. I'm sure we will only benefit, and I am definitely going to benefit immensely in the forthcoming project which I have lined up, in fact
Dharmin Chanda
@bombayblues · 4:52


All the musicians or the background music, the voice texture and the processing put together will add that extra thing to the song, that melody that will make it flow in such a way that even a few rough edges, or let's say if we had to cut a few corners in the voice, those could be covered up, you know what I'm saying?
Ketki Bansode
@Ketkiii3 · 0:19
Hey, I listened it to your song. It was really nice. It was very soulful and yeah, I would like to hear more on this app to your singing. It was nice talking to you. Keep posting
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 3:05


I will take it in the right spirit, because at the end of the day, I think all of us are creative people. And once we create, it becomes our responsibility to put our baby out there for people not really to judge, but to enjoy. And wherever you feel that okay, I see the potential. You're giving feedback because you clearly see the potential. You see it on a certain canvas, and you see a picture which should have been translated the way you probably imagine it
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:31


Kaitki, thank you so much for listening to the track. I'm really grateful you took the time out to listen to it. And yes, inshallah some more work in progress. He will keep coming out with some more songs for you and I hope you'll keep enjoying it. Do watch out for the video tomorrow at 05:00 p.m.. It's coming out on YouTube on my channel. Adela Chanda, I thank you. Take care. Bye
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:29


I have a correction to make. Sorry. When we do take out our babies, our creative babies out there, we actually have to be ready that they will be judged. But we have to know that it will be judged in the right spirit so that we can take the judgment in the right spirit. I think I needed to articulate it. Thank you. Bye
Dharmin Chanda
@bombayblues · 4:52


Actually, I've been trying to explore the whole podcast game for a while, but then I thought while I was checking out a few apps that could help me probably take up lunch or deep dive into podcasts, I thought this is worth giving a wall as well. And quite frankly, I'm not too disappointed given the quality of stuff I get to hear, not all along. But at least with regard to this one, I totally believe it's worth it. So that's that
Dharmin Chanda
@bombayblues · 3:40
I relate to it like as if the whole thing is happening to me. Whatever he's narrating is probably like a bygone nostalgic era that is making me relive through his songs, you know what I'm saying?
@DDSRY · 0:24


The line hit me was nami hay mary panah olive, show them the lots of love support. Thank you
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 0:35

@Abhilasha Amazing voice!

Abdulasha, thank you so much for this well and, you know, sharing your song here, I actually just, you know, heard it. It is a very beautiful song, and your voice is also very beautiful. You know, I just wanted to let you know that it is a very good song and I hope a lot more people listen to it, and especially your voice. So please keep on sharing. More stories regarding your singing. Would definitely check them out
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:51


Kanishka. Thank you so much for listening to PanaHome, for appreciating it and for your beautiful comments. I am so touched. You are clearly Panaahon Mein and share it with your friends and family. And the little bit of sound that you can hear in the background, I don't know, is actually that of my dog, who loves to talk and chat and bring her own little dog wisdom into conversations of human beings. I'm sorry if that is interrupting our conversation, but thank you so much
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 1:04


Thank you so much for showing your support to the song. It's very difficult as an independent artist to keep bringing out these songs. And though this is my debut, I do have many more songs and a lot more musical work that is going to come out in the next few months. So, yeah, thank you very, very much. Lots of love
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 3:27


Non film music, especially as far as independent artists are concerned, to be honest, on a daily basis, because everybody is working so hard, everybody is trying to put the best out there that sometimes even feedback is not given to us. So, as an independent artist, I think it would be great if someone like you was to become a critic and do a podcast of, say, films of music, of whatever independent artists are coming out with
Raghav Katta
@Raghavkatta · 0:04


Hi there, by the way. Now, thank you for watching this. Goodbye
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:07


Thank you so much. Raghav. I'm so happy you enjoyed the track. Take care. Thanks
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:33
Hi there Abhilasha. Congratulations on your new single. I listened to it on spotify and enjoyed listening to it. Very melodious and also loved the lyrics. So all in all, very soothing and something that I'd like to listen to when I'm driving, I think. So congratulations once again and look forward to moving of your updates on Square
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 2:15


The lyrics have been written by Romkini who's one of the finest classical musicians in contemporary India we have today. The music has been composed by Anurag Mishra who is himself a wonderful singer. And he's been doing some excellent work on the OTT platforms. Watch out for his work as well. And there will be some more offerings. In fact, as we speak, there are songs which are being prepped and getting ready. And I can't wait to get bring you all those offerings
@DDSRY · 0:12


Can you please tell me how to make beats and also stink? Because I am also I have written 400 500 Linux. I just want to make beats and just want to upload my songs
Abhilasha Ojha
@Abhilasha · 0:16


Hi. Thank you so much. Unfortunately, I am not very clued in as far as these technicalities go, so I'm so sorry. I have absolutely no idea about this. Bye
