
D Pardes



Perspectives on how we use our voice to amplify ideas and things that matter. Also @dbpardes for direct messages

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 1:43
Session 8 : The Swell Microphone - Capturing Multiple Voices

Catching the live vibe when the getting is good

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 3:56
Session 8: Talking During Troubled Times of Dual Realities

How do we stay "social" on global platforms where lives are being experienced so differently?

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 4:10
Session 7: DO YOU LET IT RIP? When the tone of frustration comes out in your voice - do you delete or post?

Social audio is an open landscape for emotions. Do we own the power of our voice when it’s not even-keeled?

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:23
Session Six : THE SWELL INTERVIEW- Create Your Own!

Swell is the perfect platform for you to interview those you admire, those you love - stretch into your community and beyond! Let’s explore how!

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 3:02
Session Five: Trusting the Tone

When’s the last time you misinterpreted somebody’s tone in a text or a tweet or a post?

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 4:48
Session Four: Why did Amanda Gorman impact us so much on inauguration day?

We were so thirsty. Her poem poured over us. How can we learn from this epic moment of poetry and performance?

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 2:45
Session Three: To Quote or Not to Quote

Quoting others to lift your own thoughts

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 1:40
Session Two: The Space Between Notes - 3 Tips

The meaning of intentional silence. When we choose not to speak.

D Pardes
@GivingVoice · 1:05
Session One: You, The Great Narrator - 5 Tips

If you have no budget for a voiceover artist here are five tips to follow to make your VO sound better than talking through a paper bag 😜

Swell user mugshot