Anshi Sharma
@xoxo_2004 · 3:00

What's your pov on fatphobia?

The American Medical Association decided to name obesity as a disease against the advice of its own counsel on Science and Public Health, which argues that obesity does not meet the medical criteria for a disease and that BMI a ratio of height to weight is overly simplistic and not reliable indicator of a person's health. The assumption that a thin body is automatically healthier than a fat body is completely unsupported by medical evidence. Health is holistic

#whatsyourpov #sayitwithswell #health #fat #fatphobia

Deepanshu Goyal
@deepanshugoyal · 2:59


And now to be very honest, now my family having the pressure on me. I have to get married after three to four years and so on. So I have to lose some weight. But I have this thing in my mind. Like if anyone wants to love me, they have to accept me as I am. I'm not going to change for anyone else. And same thing I expect from the other. Like I have to accept the other person as it is. They are
Anshi Sharma
@xoxo_2004 · 1:29
Hey, thanks for the reply. And honestly I can totally relate to you because I have been bad for as long as I can remember. Only in this past year have I lost a significant amount out of weight, so I don't think so. I would come in the fat category, but I still have had experience and I wanted people to know that it feels really bad when someone constantly teases you or mocks you. My relatives, in fact were a very big part of this to everyone
Samiksha Bharti
@Samiksha_B17 · 4:07
So I just only want to request to the people, to the listeners if you have met any person who are making fun of a person who have these kind of problems like they are obese person so you should make them understand it is not in their hands and it is not their fault. Some can have the problem by their birth and if someone have this kind of problems they can consult with the doctor