Anshi Sharma
@xoxo_2004 · 1:34

Celebrities are people too

Celebrities are humans too, and I think a lot of people tend to forget that. I don't know what kind of image they create in their mind that there's some kind of idols that they will follow and that celebrities could just never do anything wrong. It's just not possible for them. As if whatever they're doing, even if it's wrong, it is correct for them


Savleen Kaur
@SavleenKaur19 · 0:21
I completely agree with you. Like celebrities and influencers are so idlised and if one thing they do it becomes a trend and everyone wants to follow them Besides even their personal life like which they don't want to be in limelight with that is also targeted a lot and due to which a lot of celebrities suffer and leave the industry as well