Victoria Cramer
@Victoria1 · 2:13

A Warrior Mindset - The Secrets To Happiness

But I would also argue today, especially in light of COVID we are all becoming warriors, some better than most, and some have the right tools to do so while others do not

Part 1 in the Secrets to Happiness Series #warriormindset #happiness #livinglifeloudly #beresilient

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:26

The gardener mindset 🌱🌱

Victoria, welcome to Swell. It's so great to hear your voice, and I'm looking forward to your series as it feels like you have a lot to offer us in terms of this topic. So I'm going to participate. I think first of all, language is powerful, and I'm always pushing away anything that has connection to warfare because I find it brings up sort of a heavy handed aggression that I see too much around me. So I try to frame things in a different way