fayrouza Eman
@Fayrouzaa · 0:59

Achieve your goal

Hello everybody. This is my first time here on as well. And it's a new experience for me and I am super excited to start. And if you may, I would like to ask you a question. That our beat was soon. And until now, I didn't achieve my goal

#Work #age #askswell #life #success # job

And sama
@sama · 0:36
Patha. Yes, as long as the school only depends on your own effort and not the involvement of other people. So you can't say I will have a job at Google as a software engineer next year. That won't work because, because it depends on the hiring manager and whether they like you or not. But you can say that for the next year, I will reach out to people who work at Google. I will solve problems that people in the interview work on
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