Michael Benner
@AgelessWisdom · 3:30

Yoga and Social Activism

And I thought you made some really great points, that if we think of ourselves as spiritual seekers are just interested in personal development, and we do our yoga and we do our meditation and we eat nutritious organic food and we exercise and make sure we get enough sleep and never really go out into the world and help other people make it a significant contribution to fight corruption and injustice in the world

#FearlessIntelligene #AWMS KPFK

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:57
So whoever is in the swell, I know you are obviously Michael, but for anyone else, if politics or marches or any sort of a public display of preference is not your style, please know that the microcosm equals the macrocosm. And simply deciding to be happy, to be joy, and to smile at strangers as they walk by is enough. You are all enough. And thank you all for being on this beautiful planet, this beautiful time to help share beauty with the world
Michael Benner
@AgelessWisdom · 0:48
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. I'd love to know some of the questions that you put to random passers by to engage them in meaningful conversations, conversation and giving your energy and what you've had to say while you said it. I'm sure it's not confirmative that would serve no purpose but to stimulate some conversation, get people off their phones to look up. I'd love to know what some of those aren't now. Thanks