Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:40


I've seen where at funerals people lash out at the person who lay in the Catholic and the relative that they left behind it is to other relatives. They tend to not be able to control that emotion. I really believe that. I don't know what tools that others and I'm curious of what other tools that you use to control that anger because you can't avoid it. You can't avoid anger as much as you try
Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:56
And I think that is one of the biggest reasons that it feels like someone is attacking your personality or questioning your personality. And that usually happens. And that is what usually happens in my case. I'm very sensitive if someone attacks my personality or my choices or my thinking. I'm prone to anger. I'm prone to yelling, yelling matches. I think I get it from my father. My father is also prone to getting angry very fast. He's a very impatient person