Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 4:05

The Bermuda Triangle : A Mystery or Science

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फिफ्त दिसंबर नाइनटीन फोर्टी फाइव यूएस नेवी के 5 टारपीडो बॉम्बर प्लेन 1 रूटीन सर्च मिशन के लिए फ्लोरिडा से टेक ऑफ करते हैं एंड इसको कहा जाता है फ्लाइट नाइनटीन आफ्टर फ्लाइन फॉर वाइल इनके जो कंपेसेज होते हैं वो चलने बंद हो जाते हैं एंड बहुत अब्र रेडियो मेसेज रिसीव होते हैं कुछ समय बाद 1 स्पेसिफिक लोकेशन पे जाके ये प्लेनस गायब हो जाते हैं नोट इसी स्पेसिफिक लोकेशन के अराउंड इन द पास्ट फिफ्टी यर्स मोदन थ्री थाउजंड शिप्स and हंड्रेड प्लेनस हाव टोटली वैनिस फ्रॉम द फेस of this art अगैन साल एटीन टी न में 1 शिप कॉल्ड एlinosटinवज ट्रैवलिंग फ्रॉम लंदन to new ok it find it we cut head by a स्मॉलर शिप एलस्टन के कैप्टन उस दूसरी शिप में जाते हैं and the san no crew ब* al दी सप्लाइज एंड रिसोर्सेज शिप व स्कैरिंग un tst so the putsmofthercrू members to the smolrsipsothat they can bring the other ship with them to ब* 2 दिन के बाद 1 स्टॉम आता है एंड दी शिप्स part जब स्टम्प क्लियर आउट होता है तो जो दूसरी शिप पे कोई नहीं होता नोट इन द क्रियोपॉइंटेड ये 2 बार रिपीट होता है विदइन नेक्ट फाइव डेज इन द सेम स्पेसिफिक एरिया आज के दिन हम इस एरिया को बरम्यूडा ट्राइंगल के नाम से जानते हैं दिस एरिया फ्रॉम फ्लोरिडा टू पुएर्तो रिको एंड क**ेंस मेजर रोशन एरिया टिल द बम्यूडाक**्री ये एरिया 5 लाख स्क्वायर माइल्स का है एंड बम्यूडाट्राइंगल की स्टोरीज फाइव हंड्रेड ईयर्स से भी पुरानी है ईवन क्रिस्टफर कोलंबस रिपोर्टेड दिस एरिया एंड सर्टन चोरी अबाउट इस जगह को gevिaडऑएंट टिक या सी ऑफ डूम भी बोलते हैं थ्योरीज तो बहुत हैं इसके अराउंड lens मे c monsters, but i dont to talk about crtnsintific explanation that i like to eleven क सो first we talk about the फरस् साइंटिफिक थ्योरी that would बी of miten hiit सो मीथेन हाइडरेट क्या होता है ज मिथेन हाइड्रेड इनक्रीज द डेंसिटी ऑफ द वाटर इन द एरिया तो अब आप देखोगे न बमुराट्रैंगल में इस एरिया में बहुत लार्ज फील्ड्स मिलती हैं मिथेन हाइडरेड्स की एंड इट सजेस्ट दैट फ्यूज क्वांट**ी ऑ मिथेन हाइड्रेड इनक्रीज डेंसिटी ऑफ द वॉटर इन एरिया हैंस दी सिंकिंग but this dil not justifies the disapperence of plains because theyre not in the water right okay so the second scintific tory which would be more concivable would be as you all know the geographical north pole and the magnetic north pole differ but there are some places when both of them are ऑलमोस्ट द सेम दिस प्लेस और मेजन आगेनिक लाइनस एंड मोस्ट ऑफ the aganiclाinsand most of the times द जीरो डिग्री आगेनिक लाइनस लय इन द बोमूdaट्राइंगल एरिया सेल्फ सो दिस कैन क्रिएट कंफ्यूजन और अन ओल्टिनेट क्योरी अबाउट हाव मैग्नेटिक पोल्स में और सिंक दी शिप्स and plans चलो सो द थर्ड थ्योरी विच इज मोस्ट इम्पोर्टेंट और logical explnation is a sicologiकlवन विच इस कॉल्ड द बार्डर मैइनऑफएफेc्ट इमैजिन आपने 1 पर्टिकुलर गाड़ी ली यू रियलाइज की रोड पे वही पर्टिकुलर गाड़ी ज्यादा आ गई है। असल में ऐसा होता नहीं है।

Stories About Bermuda Triangle and Scientific explanations! Listen and find out! #sayitonswell #whatsyourpov #science #trending #mystery

vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 3:13
okay first for you said the पॉइंट के मैग्नेटिक पोल और ogrpiकनॉरथजब उस जगह पर सेम पड़ता है ट्राइंगल बहुत ही जगह होती है जहाँ पर ऐसे सिमिलर सा होता है तो से बहुत ही जगह है तो हम से ट्रैंगल के बारे में सोचते हैं थैंक यू तो अ फ्यूज बैक वैज वेरी फैसिनेटेड सब्जेक्ट पढा था थोड़ा सा तो अच्छा मैंने सबसे पहले पढ़ा कि यहाँ पर वेब्स जो होती है वेब्स बहुत ज्यादा ऊंची चली जाती है इसलिए शिप्स वगैरह डूब जाती है ब* उसके तो वही बात आंसर नीती कि एयरप्लेंस कैसे डूबते हैं लाइक एयरप्लेंस क्यू क्रैश करती थी जगह सैटलाइट सैटेलाइट जो ऊपर होती है वो अच्छे से वर्क क्यों नहीं कर पाते वे से सैटलाइट को तो फर्क नहीं पड़ना चाहिए अगर मिथोलोजी में देखें तो कहते हैं कि इस जगह को 1 रिकोर्ड की बुक थी मतलब हीज नॉवलिस्ट उसकी बुक थी या सी ऑफ मॉनस्टर्स जहाँ पर मिथोलोजी से बताया गया था कि यहाँ पे ग्रीक मिथोलॉजी के मांस्टर वगैरह लेते हैं तो इसलिए इसे सी ऑफ मॉन्स्टर भी ते हैं इसलिए यहाँ पर शिप्स वगैरह ट्रैप हो जाती है देन मैंने बहुत सी रीज पडी थी कि मैग्नेटिक बोइजबमैगनेटिगपुल्स वगैरह की वजह से वो नैविगेशन वगैरह काम करना बंद कर देता है रुसी the पायलट an शिप पीपल गेट कंफ्यूज ऑफ वेब इतनी हाय होती है कि आल the cras ब* इतने हजारों सालों में 1 बंदा तो होगा स्मार्ट नोट तो पैनिक and चला गया वहां से रेड की अगर मैग्नेटिक पोल या कुछ है बमिलट्रैंगल पितले सालों से रिसर्च चल रही है अगर मैगनेटिक पोल जा कुछ भी है तो थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा करके हमें पता चलता ही रहता ये तो दी कि 1 दिन द साइंटिस्ट हैव नथिंग टू शो लाइक नो लिटरली नथिंग टू शो नेक्स लाइक मैग्नेटिक पोल भाई साहब हमने पता लगा लिया है ब्रो अगर तुमने थ्योरी निकाली है तो पहले थ्योरी पेपर पब्लिश होता है वो न्यूज में आता है उसके बाद उसकी रिसर्च टीम बनती है फिर रिसर्च टीम जाती है और उसके बाद वो रिसर्च टीम अगर जिंदा आ गई तो अलग बात है ब* वो रिसर्च टीम पूरी रिसर्च करती है सब होता है उसके बाद वो पेपर पब्लिश होते हैं फिर क्रिटिक्स ानलिसकरतेहैरइतन इतना लंबा प्रोसेस है ऐसा थोड़ी की 1 आर लाइक की वी हैव द थिक तो शुड यू लाइक वहां पर बैगरेटिकपोल्ड से वहां पे ये है वो है तो इसके पीछे जो मैंने थ्योरी पड़ी थी दैट वाज वोही एरिया फिफ्टी वन वालिया जिससे कुछ की कोई गॉपेटऑर्गेनाइजेशशन स्ट्राइक टू प्रोटेक्ट सब सीक्रेट देर इसलिए उन साइटस वगैरह को फोर्स का कि लोगों का ध्यान इससे हट तो 10 आर आल द थ्योरी आई हैव रेड और हर्ड तो इसमें अपना व्यू जरूर देना।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 1:38


ya no if you talk about my atholagynathen that would be a totally different aspect i do not believe in such stories or tori because theres no scintific pro for them but obviously yes one can baki youve talk out hrikansyeshrikans do so if you see make the most hricanfonariin, the world is china and that it would be u s in cuba to us be flared is the most hrigen effected spot and which is a part of the bomutatraangeand cuba ca some parts the camnilinanollis a part of the bermuda trange, which are the most hregenfronareas to bhot hrigen what pernalybeliveis muda trange is special more than to three facts compid is spot the first would be the hurykansonethe second would be the metenhidadsone which i mention the third would be the magnetic polson so when all of these factors combind s only one spot in the वर्ल्ड जहां पे इतने सारे factors are present that is the munitringlhends we talk the बमudaट्राइंगल मोर and as स्पोक अबाउट साइकोलोजिकल फेक्ट रे लास्ट पॉइंट में बस दिस प्लेस सीम्स टू बी शो स्पेशल लोग इसके बारे में ज्यादा बात करते हैं एंड बाकी प्लेसेज में जितनी डिसपीरेंस होती हैं डी टू डिफ्रेंट रीजन उनको लोग निगलेक्ट करते हैं एंड जहाँ इस स्पॉट में जितने भी डिसपीरेंसेज या थिंग्स होती हैं उन पर लोग ज्यादा फोकस करते हैं and hens bomuratranglis more famous than any other sport and about area fifty one could be but i research about area fifty one a bit t i have in it नाव तो i लेट यू नो।
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 1:15
i get a point speaking on, but may be completly facts उसका रीजन क्या है वो अलग बात है ब* सिलना हाव wुdthाtstilfct the satelit वो ही वाला पॉइंट को बहुत करता है कि इतनी सी बात की वन डे है नथिंग टू शो the सेकंड हाफ एविडेंस दे नीड टू कन्विंस द वर्ल्ड आंड सिर्फ 1 एविडेंस की सारी थ्योरी थी तो सारी एकदम हमें पता चला था की रिसर्च चल रही है इस बारे में या कुछ हो रहा है है क्यों है साइंटिस्ट को भी नहीं पता एंड नेक्स पूस पता चल गया सपने में आके थोड़ी बताया तो है प्लीज सर्च fifty ne me क्योंकि मेरे स् पे सके बाद भी काफी थयूरisवगरहयानो स्टोरीज गैर पढ़िए तो लाइक तो श that at विल।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 1:09


heeveftrough that one day we had no besofinformation and the other day we have all the information we latest spices but god news we can really tel was going on because we are not that avere of the things and maybe the government s made the us government at sector big agencies have been not keeping things public that might be to the it be different things which exist about from that about the satelite one i can sistifire that so there are different ginsofcartelites talking about the emvevsartelites the emvavesartelites retrive information in forms of em vaves induction all the facts of acted by electricity way is created by electricity so these as of electricity can be destruct by magnetic pole and i have talked about that the magnetic pole hair is equal to the jograicalnorthpol hens all of these waves could be distracted in some way some scintific we which obviously i m not aware about itna, but yes to facts can affect the satelites।
Divya Bhatia
@Anastasia_9 · 0:27


he reshmitsoyouswel was very great and i love this listing your swellbamutetrangl it with the post time i her this man the bomuntatrangle and i was just very happy to list your swell and from the next time if you post any swells this one the is to tag me cause i just love knowing about these things and these things fentersisesneed so i would love to here your next swells and thank you for posting this one and by।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:11


her diva thank you so much for playing to mess well, yes, i will solid the next time i make such swells you can check out my other swelled on my profile to that s really help thank you।
Priyal Kedia
@priyalkedia024 · 1:55


hi ashmit i hope you re doing gate so this was a informative sel like muladanglbutmuda triangle as always a msterolsdrangl place for the people to no bou everyone was like what the sa hota है वहाँ चमत्कार होता है क्या सब कुछ चला जाता है सो may may be i to or not but this movie based on this i dont remember the name but the thing happens in the muted angle se im happen there for people in the helicopter and the पासिंग बाई one ऑफ़ the area इन दे शन जो उन्हें मैgnिटकीतरनीतरफ his and the were water जब वो नीचे नीचे जाते हैं welcom to the new island that what happen so i dont really know the sint efect factor about the mute rango thank you so much for that at if i m saying it avi तो can there be any other island under water or there s any parall wold inside that that can be may be happen or not so i believe that but never try that as i have a fear of det some ved at still i really one explore the things like this thank you।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:35


well i personally like to keep fiction and facts saprasfomechater but well if you see the wemudaranglarea most fert folledintoavery shalolandaround the game in and so i dont think so it s possible about the all this ficirsturisand bout the under water only one players that as in foundandowas atlantis that do not have any contre proves of so nandan e should consider these options but again coris revolve every film।
Priyal Kedia
@priyalkedia024 · 0:29


is so i was saying this only in the fun we not a serious in thing and i know i island so is just a joke mant so the one seriously and yes i will believe the india fact more than my fiction stories but its just imagination of mind so i hope it in।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:06


yah ooviouslyhaha thank you for replaindo।
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 0:32
okay to get a serious to panic is serius सीकर के छोटी मोटी चीज होती तो बता दे 1 कोर में ऑर्गेनाइजेशन में से कर सकता है पूरी दुनिया के साइंटेस्टतोनहीं बहुत स्कूल।
Hisham Noor
@Hisham_20 · 0:05
very informatedrishment looking forward for more til cast।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 1:03


the i feel that there are so many theres about this particular try the particular place because no one has definite anses and even if you do these definite anser bbdu y one rganization the scintific proves are onestynortlegutimat to that tenses to believe you obviously people organizations are hiding stuff from us and that is possible the us government the are very very influential of all over the globe and hiding places that to bomunatrangl being so close to the united states and not just talking about the united states even intrnaशioनl agencies they could be hiding so much stuff under the water that we could not ralyavareabout actually do not have any war accept raising questions and thats all we can do we can just talk talking about these topic so that these topic can be a live through out this era and hope will get a anser son।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:08


thank you so much a son for your kind rods do like men if you want me to make most well about sorten topics of mistres like these।
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 1:41


yes so thank you so much for talking about this topic and you know sharing this it was really great here in this you know i have alves like you know like conspiracy touris and all of those i⁇meturisthatyou shared with me were also great you know it was great learning about all of dad i mean like i did⁇t know about the cicolegicalwon at all you know like i didnt know about the other to like kinder i didnt know about the sicollegegonone and like yeah that we pretty confusing you know it was really really interesting you know just ring ed you dont easily find this kind of topics like you don t you do you can just ask sort on the internet barmen most effective explanation this explanation was really good and to the point and around five minutes and it was it was short obviously all sales are short but you were able to do it in that sort id of time and explant in the best way possible so thank you so much for doing that because i have had a lot of confusion at times most of the videos that i have seen on the internet dontdon⁇t make sen start much or maybe i ve just but your explanation was really good so thank you so much for sharing it and have a great day by।
Nikita Arora
@The_gyaaniKeeda · 0:50
hi smith ready interesting topic india and i new but brmotatrangle but i got to know more about it on the swell i d like to say that bermuda trange would be the only place जिसको हुमस बर्बाद नहीं कर पाएंगे जा नहीं सकते i mean okay to bad but again I-M-A say that the curiser mind ling and very practical and very ecceptable but again we dont know the except reason why the ship get lost in the air plans getgrageinthat area so yeah lets lets see what the future holds and maybe the area fifty one has already the information about it and they re not ready to gimitoutitsolet⁇s i see thank you so much for sharing the sell it was very informat thank you this is your girl the ganikidasiningoff।
Nikita Arora
@The_gyaaniKeeda · 0:34


can you just explain the last teri? again the sicologiclone? because i was not able to related to the barmuda tangle thing so can you just explain it once again if you just think about by mudatranginalot of time of time, se for our and a lot of people i think in out at the same time so how how does it support reason behind going missing of the air pains and the ship get just explained thank you।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:06


yeh thank you so much for aknwodsaindaadia fifty one could be a case a follow this।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 1:09


he okay so my last care says suppose you by a car a particular car now you re going a notice that that particular car is running more on the roads that does not happen its just that you more you see your car more and more every day each day so you tend to notice as did particular car on the roads even more so relating this to the bomutarinothere are many places on the face of the earth where such crime or things acker which are spread across the globe but the media and people are god so much so much notice on the boue triangle itself we i m not take the bomunadrayangle is in mistry this can be one of the turiesthemediaand the people have made us notice the bmunadryangle so much that even a small detail about the bomunadanglemake us think that the munadryangle has mistres behind but there are many more places where nsnsstesakena regular basis thats says।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:10


he thank you so much for your kind roads and if you have any more topics like these that you would like to suggest for me to make swells on that you would like to have do like me no thank you।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:06


also do check out my artis wels and do follow and like me this wells thank you।
Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 2:29


hey ruxsbrohreven i am in trigedabotbomita trangleandmistris like that i have seen so many youtube videos on so many mistres i also trying to find out the reason i bomidatrangl this and i have found so many videos wats many videos but i dont understand why it happens like is it scintific is it the scintific reason of what i don⁇t understand it gorswelcastoke about the scintific reasons and i don⁇t know is amount dont belive in it also there could be the magnetic one turi could be true that the magnetic pole and the actual magnetic bols they difuathatwould be two but so i dont understand why would did a fact angle okay that a different thing but i really really like this topic a lot and do you have any other incidence or any other story omitetranglso do mention it things before going you know what my examson this is my fantasy this is my imagination only i feel that the worm wither triangle that area i think this is related to some time paranormal time experience i see i have actually heard about this and have seen some youtube videos that there are some parts in the real world when you travel in those pat you just go to some other dimension time dimension like if i m traveling on a road and sedani there something something in the real world that takes me to n other time dimension to past or the future and then i need to find and then i just to see the past or the future and again i travel and after some time i dont back to the present time so maybe the boiled fringe is just like that may be it is some kind of i don⁇tknow how to described but what we dont go lost or we dont think in see may we just time travel may just go to some the the dimension something like that who knows the same thing is true for the black hole who knows what is incited so these are some of the mistres i guess।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 1:20


so i mean, there are many speculation of the time travel tory right now but there are no contre prove to basically prove the theory but yes, you try all tourist genmetbecause obviously there are conspires touris not of them are sindifically proven so they could be true and you talked about this toriessoyesther many stories there is this careladearingstory which have a abotinswalgas apart from them there are to more many famous tori that is the us siclopthediiperinc of us siclophiwasnaves biggest fulshipwhichin the histry of s it was fulshipeven diaper in the mina it was never found basically was so confused about this because the it was so ugin side it was big then alan waste it was so big that कहीं track किया a sca but it no way to be found then there is this witchcraft story of a cruise cabin cruiser there are many sat stories with revolve on the triangle even cristo for columbus at stories about the bomudaranglhe saw some lites flashing in the air venheasinthebmuda triangle so do read about that and if you want me to make, will cast on these stories do like a।
Simran Sehrawat
@simrannnn · 0:23


hi rashmi this was a great is and i believe i dilli know about this peverdatringdel and knowing about it was very great it was a great information to thank you for porting it out and if you post to sweltslike this peastagmeor, you know just invite me it so thank you।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:15


hersimbramthank you for your kind words and yes i we posting more of swes about mistres and all and i remember to dagoandinwityou if you have any more topics to suggest to let me know and do do check out my ather sweldstothank you।
Aakansha Girdhar
@Aakanshagirdhar · 2:37


ashmit this was extremely extremely good swell and you know i usually doing her swells like for for minutes strat but you know i was literally listening to your swell etanevybord न तो केस सो 1 ने कहा कि ये तारे क्यों चमकते हैं तो साइंस का है क्या तो साइंस आती है क्या तो दूसरा लड़का बूता नहीं तो कहते फिर दादाजी चमक रहे हैं so that s o jo o if you talk about recent thing which is going on which is murcalyredtrogret that also has of joinalyhave many astrological aspects for that, many scintific aspect for that and some things that its a mistry when we say that its a combination of something so you know everything is differently sing by people so this bondedringlasso i was comer student i wasn⁇taverof such scientific things behind this bmunadraingle but yes i ve heard many stories about this and i must see that this might have been the th i b the scientific reasons behind singing is the ships in air plains but you in the news we have gay specially ive red many articles which sees the round traingle floreddiges near the area florida people ive seen your fos and everything like that may be that something related to be munatringermayb mistry that would बी since behind this thanssopoting this amazing topic right here and by devi you are great great speaker।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 1:30


if you are a fact person? then you wont believe? in the u? for normal stories, but if you are a believer of power? energies? and god? and all of those things? by a normal stuff, then yes? you believe? in the other stories? as well? but yes? thank you for sharing? if you have any other topics? that you like to share? with me? that i can makes walson? thank you? so much?
Krish Sehrawat
@KrishSeh511 · 0:50


everyone have their own teri zeland have their own believes we canteen state anything about bermintraingle on this basis not entrou technology has each to the dept of the bermuda traingle ask me i need there a scintific when the northern which believes in stories and tales but yeah i accept that barmen trines something that is like very mis serious to is we ve non very little about it and there is lot to explore about that thing on the other hand this well was very good man i really appreciated and i just can consider consituencyandthe knowlege dato provide in your swells kept man।
Rashmit Kalra
@Rashmit · 0:37


he case thank you for your kind work so they do men a lot and yes everyone has different teris and different facts on the bomudatriangle and onneusly we cant believe in your them or we should believe them because there s no definite anser to what s rally happening or what is the bomunatriange accept the few tudies which tosintossabmad or the professional left created so about that and yes thank you again for your words and do like my other swelsanddo follow me for more such content thank you।