Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:24

Can Happiness hold the key to transformation: interview with Founder & CEO of Happyynaires, Pradeep K Cheruvathoor.

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What is happiness? Isn't it a relative term? What brings happiness to one might mean misery to another. When we taste success? Definitely it could be at the cost of failure to someone else. Why is happiness so important to us human beings? And why is it vital to keep us motivated?

#Happiness #Transformation #thoughtleadership #AskACoach

And obviously all the variables when you move outside are not within your control. So you are priming yourself for sorrow or unhappiness by moving away from your center, from your being, which by its very nature is happiness. When we were children, we did not require anything to be happy. We jumped with joy for no reason. But as we grew up, we try to look for reasons to be happy
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:30


So for the average person, it is all about the state of mind, right? And they possibly us, I should use the term we rather would relate happiness to the current state of mind that we are in. As you rightly mentioned, it could be a favorite dish. It could be a promotion at work, it could be a new house, so on and so forth. So basically, it could be a state of mind
Beautiful question, Sreeja. The mind is just a bundle of thoughts. It has arisen because of the sense of diversity that I exist separately rate from the universe. But to put it in the common Poland, the moment we realized that the mind is a position and it's not us. The mind is not me. Mind is just thoughts arising from me. I can stop giving energy to those thoughts. Thoughts have no energy by themselves other than the energy we give by attention
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:06


So they took the literal interpretation of the word silence, but however, the mind is what drives this need and you are suggesting that we don't pay attention to it. And anyway, it's impossible to silence the mind. So how can we actually move towards inner silence? Is it a function of how we react to the world around us or to our thoughts? And would this inner silence come at the cost of being successful?
It is letting go of the concepts that we have gathered over many birds, including this birth, from the conditioning that arose from a childhood, the people that we've together with. All these impact our conditioning and consequently the resistance that we have built within ourselves. So if we understand this and we can move into a journey of awareness, it's not really a journey because there is nowhere to go, but certainly an increase of awareness that allows us to move to the inner silence
Silence is not the absence of noise, its absence of you standing apart and trying to perceive the world as separate, to be connected means or presupposes disconnection. But all our disconnection are the realm of thought, and there is no disconnection at all beyond that. Thank you
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:52


That's a beautiful thought. You know, silence is acceptance and not resisting events and circumstances. In this context, I wanted to ask you so when you accept, then I think that it is possibly the first step towards contentment and therefore happiness. So how is it that you bring in this concept of silence into a world that is ever dynamic and has to be responding to market situations, to customer needs, dynamic changes that keep happening all the time?
So we sort of revisited the business plan, change the projections, change the focus and move from 54 slides to nine slides after an internal management meeting where we went into silence and removed the clutter from our thinking. The applications are endless. Similarly, as far as executive coaches are concerned, it's an under a lot of stress and there are cases where from a conflict management perspective, they have to deal with highly conflicted executives
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:32


How do we connect the dots and get there? Because what are the examples that you cited were specific situations where people used silence to help them overcome that particular situation. So if the larger goal is about transformation through happiness, right, can silence help us get there into that state of mind, which is happiness? So two questions wrapped in one
The time has come for a deep soul search and arrive at a socially sustainable happiness model. I conduct deep transformation coaching that is highly customized, both personal transformation and happiness. Key Transformation founder, CEO, Executive Coaches the format is based on monthly calls and group coaching. Online silence removes the clutter and one is able to achieve one's business goals without the stress and overwhelmed. I focus on putting people at the center of decision making people over profits, bringing the focus back to where it belongs