Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:50

Words Matter 2

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Words for adults, we think we can handle it, but how many of us are walking around with those scars? Verbal abuse, like physical abuse, is real. And it takes maybe years to not even get over it, but to move past it. But those words stick there. And you have to say positive, affirmation words. You have to speak life into adults as well as children. But that verbal assault, that verbal attack leaves an invisible scar on the inside of a person
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:39
Yes, yes. I just found another one of your Swells a moment ago and I'm trying to get this one too, because I just love the passion and the protective nature and the warriors spirit you have here in this cause and it's so important. I'm curious though, I have a question for you in regarding to your experience that you had. Did you speak out to the situation you saw with the validation of talking down to the child?
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 3:22
Be around children. Your own ability to cope with your s***. And when you are charged or activated or triggered. Because that's going to happen no matter what. No matter if the child is perfectly amazing or if they are a little difficult. There will be moments where you're activated. There will be moments where you're activated when you're not with a child, you're activated via another adult or something you see on the news, whatever it is, traffic
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:33


And before it gets to that point where that child is going to be the victim of maybe not only verbal or physical abuse, I'm going to say something. You know, it's just a default in my mind that just immediately got to go into protection mode because I believe in defending or bringing a voice to people who can't speak for themselves. So how you handle it, it depends on the situation. But I do feel that people have missed directed anger or issues
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 1:59


And yeah, even when it doesn't come to children, I really want as many people as possible to learn how to look at their inner world and their emotions and learn to recognize when they're getting activated, take a breath, and learn to respond rather than react. And I think teaching this skill to children is extremely important so that they can grow up to create a world of mindful responses rather than harmful reactions. So thanks for this post and have a great day
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