Sudeep Bhatta
@Travelertree · 4:21

Raavan: Enemy of Aryavarta by Amish

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क्योंकि पूरी मे विलेन इस स्ट्रॉंगेस्ट और जब हीरो के स्ट्रॉंग बनने का टाइम आता है तो मूवी खत्म हो जाती है और कुछ बुक्स में यह भी 1 पड़ा हुआ था कि जो भी वार जीतता है वही हीरो बनता है डजनमेटरहुइजराइट हुई जो वार जीतता है वही धर्म धर्म का पालन करता है तो बुक पड़ने के बाद रावण के जो एक्ट्स थे, जो भी उसने काम किया राइट और रॉन सबका 1 बैकराउंड में 1 मीनिंग दिखाया गया कि वट इस हैप्पन्ड और सही बात है कोई कुछ करता है सही करता है गलत करता है कोई जानबूझ कर कुछ गलत नहीं करना चाहता ये कुछ पुरानी सेवेंटीज नाइनटीज की मूवीज नहीं है कि हाँ विलिन हमेशा गलत ही करेगा हर चीज का 1 रीजन होता है कोई जान बूझ कर कुछ गलत नहीं करना चाहता हर कोई हैप्पी रहना चाहता है वैसे रावण भी हैप्पी रहना चाहता था हाँ 1 चीज है उससे सीखने के लिए कि उसके अंदर 1 पैशन है आगे बढ़ने का क* आने का हम सब जानते हैं कि उसने सोने की लंका बनाई थी its not easy और रावण ने अपने दम पे सोने की लंका बनाई थी 22 टैक्टिक बुक में अलग सा कुछ था कि हां कैसे रावण ने अपने आप को 1 ऋषि के घर में पैदा होने के बाद कैसे अपने आपको ग्रो किया थॉट प्रोसेस से ग्रो किया लोगों को कनविंस किया उसके बाद रूल किया अपने पब्लिक के लिए अपने पब्लिक को सपोर्ट किया जो भी लगन पब्लिक थी कैसे पूरा मेंटेन किया 1 और मेंटेन किया ha i am the leader और say agr leadership कभी किसी को secnehetohe has to learn from rouen that how a leader can be how liden can be strong to rule not to serve baki ego बहुत ग्रेट बहुत सारी प्रोब्लम उसमें बहुत कुछ बताया था यहाँ गलत भी था स्पेशली उसमें सीता का जो हरण क्यों किया था वो भी बताया सिमिलर 1 और बुक थी असुरा उसने भी बताया कि रावण ने सीता का अपहरण नोट गलत इंटेंशन से नहीं किया था इंटेंशन कुछ और था ब* रामायण में उसको प्रॉपर एक्सप्लेन नहीं किया गया था कुछ और बुक्स में कप्लेन किया गया देर आर सम books रिटन इन तामिलoकेस्wयरा रावण ने सीता को अपडेट क्यों किया था तो ब्यूटिफुल का मोटिवेशनल बुक थी जिसे पढने के बाद लगा कि हां दिस इज समथिंग अभी उसका फोर्थ बुक रामचंद्र सीरीज का बेसिकली थर्ड बुक था एनिमी रावण उसका फोर्थ बुक भी आ चूका है वार ऑफ लंका व इम करेंटली स्टार्टिंग जैसे ही खत्म होता है तो उसकी भी स्टोरी लेकर आपके पास आएंगे कि हां उससे मैंने क्या सीखा तो आप भी ऐसे बुक पढ़िए और इंजॉय कीजिए थैंक यू।

A story of Raavan, how he started his journey to be the greatest leader. #raavan #amish #ramayana

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 4:55
हई सुदीप थैंक यू सो मच इतने nuanस्मेंइस बुक के बारे में शेयर करने के लिए i have in red दिस बुक पर मैंने इस बुक का नाम कई बार सुना है रेक*ेंडेशन में भी आए हैं but what you just spoke about you know about raven how we see raven as we have have bewrtogtrader child id say की ravens almost vilen f the ntirnmयnसटोरy but i थिंक धीरे धीरे जब आप दूसरे टैक्स रेफर करते हो i think there are quite a few text that support the view that no ravens was the cotancoudvillen that we think he was there was more to him right there was more to him and his caracter में 22 डिफ्रेंट टैक्स की बात करूंगी यहां पे है mignadbadkboजo which is a बंगोली टेक्ट modusudandtunte i think the sort of its centers around raven okay it s आलमोस्ट पोएटिक रीटेल*** ramayan ब* here the mean focus is ravan and i have in red then time make notbotcaboafcors but i have read part so fit snippet so fit radar s part of my celibrcewilan school and i want to go be through the entire thing and i probably will after this because and i probably will pick up this book is well mythology has always know inted me and i love reading such text which are retelling of the old the intent mycological text so any we make not botcabboityouknow a different side of ravan can be seen there you know where he is just family man who things about and where is about his family the well he s leaving for the battle with the conversation with his wife i mean you get to see him as as a human being who is relitable and why he wants to go go to with the battle and all the fit so you realise that he also you know he just a person who has these goals these visions and who wants to protect his on teritory and whatever hes doing is yes as you said driven by passion and also the s this side of im that the soft side where you now he as as a person as a man in his own house hold also there was is s one thousand roman as or three thousand raman sorry i m so bad with names but it was it was an s by ki ramanujan or may be ten im so sorry i just have to look up the name but any way this s ramanujan there also he speaks about the different the thousands of different versions of man that exist that what we had been not or told askilsthat⁇s just one version but there s so many versions of roman smth exist in east asia some in you now genrated south india some generated in a different tribal communities and there also raven is in potrat as this quinto central villan fig figure but sathe his ported as someone who is reason at just as strong as drums and i think thats the beauty of you know of the different versions of roman as because the show as there can be so many point of views through which we can see a story to which we can see the different characters so yeah thank you so much as he said for sharing this new anst sort of review and i definitely check this book out thanks a lot।
Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 4:53
hi thank you for inviting me to think about this topic which was an extremely intersting one i have not read this book by amish but yes, i ve heard about it, but rawan is a character who is who frightens us who we dislike but at the same time he s a very fascinating character and i have always felt that rawan i would not say is more send against the sinning because yes, he has is feeling then so one in sofort but the one thing about raman that impresses me a lot is that after he ad abducted seta and he was obviously the all powerful person in srilanka which is his domin could he could have whatever he like in his land and he could have had is way with sita also but somehow he abducts he keep sir in his in his kingdom and yet, he does not forsimselfaponham and that is something that i have always thought about and i thought the must be as treak of decency in him for not having done that which when wd imagine was absolutely theesiousthing for him to do we see man doing that and indelginginthat kind of behavior even today and these man just just common people here be are talking about a person who s who was who was a king so what was to stop him from doing what ever he wanted but he did not so that is one thing for which i respect him and the other is that so fads depictions of these characters co i would say that in the days of your stories like raman and mahama all these and mithologicaltales these stories were on the stories were lesnwanstandso either we had a hero all we had a vilen on the one hand we had a good person on the other hand we had a bad person and this are very stark contrast and the more good the hero was the more bad it made the willian look and the more bad the willian was the better it made the hero look so they⁇sotof set of each ader the in that respect complimentry to each aden but the no shades of grey there was black and there was white and now going forward we are seeing over the years over i will not year that should see over the centuries and we can see this happening now in a films also it the difference between the good and bad is no longer so stark you see now central characters of stories also indulging in behavior which not be hundred percent acceptable, which is something that they might not really on up to which something that they might not be particularly proud of so i feel that characters are now becoming more more human because रैली स्पीकिंग i can think of anybody that i know who is hundred percent good and neither can i think of anyone who is hundred percent bad so i think when we had these depictions of characters alia it was it was the age of as i said lets now ans les settle and very in your face but now as the art of writing, the art of caractrization, the rt of story telling the art of nadation is progressing we no longer have characters like ram and ravan we no longer हैव somebody who is maryada porucotaandwekno long we have someone who is all bad even the vilininaur films now somewhere it is so why it is okay for him to do whatever it is that he might be doing he has is own, motivations is own, compulsions and soon and so forth so yes so i think if we want to look at raman from a content lens then yes there are shades of gray there and and that s very very welcome for me।
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dr Vandana R Singh
@RSFoundation20 · 3:09
yeah, just a quick correction to what i said ali i think i said srilanka of you know as the home of ravan so yes, i need to correct that it was lanka and srilanka srilanka is the current name of the island and the other thing which i want to talk about more is we all know that when site can bak, she had to undergo agni prectaandwhich was to prove her purity its not that she wanted to provide but she was expected to provid there for she had to agnyprectawhi for those of us woman at biformiliamen, she literally went through the test of fire, which means that she was made to sit on this a pile of word and that it was set on fire and if she had been unfaithful to ram, she would burn and if she had been faithful to him, she would come out unscadedandofcours se comes out on skate because she has been to to him, but when we talk of agnyprecta somvar the corten cord the credit men i had to use the word credit here but that s why it was looked up on in that story was to hear that she was so pour that she she lived away from husband in another mans let see custody for x amount of time and she came back your so while yes, i seetha deserves brown points for that but i would say more than her it is raman who should be giving the credit and going back to the point that i was making earlier that remaining pore or more for a woman at that time was really not so much in her ans because a woman is being view at someone who can be used which ever be a man makes up is mind to so there for if site comes back literally un tuch, then the credit for that goes to raman because when it comes to that part of seats life, i think romans behavior was, gentle, mently and other then all the other things that are not so present about him and so on and so for like i said alier also that it is this aspect of roman i find very impressive and i find that this is something that has lessons for all of us even today and it is it is a behavior pattern that has a lot going for it even today so i think the agnyprecta really brings out rawan as the gentle ban and yes, of course, seeta also thank you।
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:29


hi i absolutely agle with what you said and so i think in this regard, we can see that you know raven had his own principles in bounded to which he did stick to right he wasn just and mean yes like you said when if we see him now through condemtrelencis we can you know gage these new anses we can gage that he was nt really i mean earlier people would absolutely see things as black and white but today after centuries we know that there also exist to greet area and there is not absolutely black or absolute right and no absolute good or bad so yes i even definitely you know was even even in all the adaptations from an which mostly focus on ravan i think there also the there also he is potrat as someone who who sticks his principles who is a very who s very form when it comes to his decisions and his bound reason despite you know even despite knowing that he might lose the battle he is still when done to fight the battle like in one of the poems that i talked about in my previous reply to this well the poiticrendisions of man in bengali so yeah i absolutely asli said absolutely agree with everything that you said that he definitely should be given that credit for being a decent man despite being even though we have seen him as a vilen for a long long time ही has been ben seen as is almost malicious character but analisabetdeply we realize that he wasnt wasnt really milisiously dis respectful he was he was in spite of it all addicent man।