Trevor Hammack
@tjh · 1:51

LINKIN PARK: Forgotten

How well do you know the song Forgotten, which comes from the album Hybrid Theory by Lincoln Park? How well do you know the song Forgotten by Lincoln Park? And that song is found on the album Hybrid Theory. How well do you really know it? I would challenge you today to go look up the album Hybrid Theory by Lincoln Park. Listen to the song Forgotten at least two times. Listen to it two times

LINKIN PARK shows up in a new song. #music #song

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:11
I mean, they were the real deal. Sort of sad. They didn't remain a band that created music like that. But what can you do anyways? I'm not sure I'll listen to Pink Panthers very much. I don't know if it's entirely up my alley, but I did think it was a very interesting way to use that track. And I appreciated that she didn't use one of their more famous songs