Ciara L
@Thesign · 4:55

How are guns getting into these childrens hands?

And she got this gun and wanted to kill this person because of something. And it was like, how do we okay, there's an argument where it's like, well, it stigmatized as people who own guns, respectfully, to bear arms, blah, blah, blah. Okay, my clock went off. But anyway, it's like, okay, we have a right to bear arms, but you're not thinking about the people that are behind the guns

#thisisamerica #massshooting #politics #ghostguns

Brandon Novara
@theaveragejoe · 4:26
Oxford, Michigan, recently had that mass shooting where that child walked into the school. The school basically had red flags. They did. They had drawings. They had threats. The parents had text messages. However, the parents are being tried because they essentially ignored the text messages, ignored the problems and supplied the kid with the gun. And then, of course, they ran away. I don't know if you follow that story, but I'm sure you have. So you got that problem