Aditi Kapoor
@MyCuratedTales · 4:26

Hindi Diwas: Highlights and views

Good evening everyone hope you all are doing fine and I'm back with again as well and today as you all know that India is celebrating Hindi Devas 14th September is the day that it was declared an official language in under the constituent assembly of Panda Javaarneharu and apart from Hindi there are 22 official languages also spoken in India but Hindi and English are the ones that are used for the administration purposes now Hindi does have a global presence because for 20 million speak it as their first language and 120 speak it as their second language so ideally my spell should have been in India buzz I thought that since I have a few followers and some may not know Hindi so I thought I'll start in English and now I'll switch over to Hindi Devaskafi public sector unit department government departments may encourage kare among youth and among all these citizens of countries nowadays I have seen many parents English secret he should learn Hindi because Hindi he has also picked up English as well some parents do feel English should be the priority language and I thought it's not a big deal but I feel that maybe your mother tongue is not Hindi maybe it is Asthmaes or Bengali or Malayalam so we should make sure that first what language is comfortable for the family and what language is comfortable for the seniors family may be English this day should not be celebrated because there are many languages in India and will be a debatable topic here and it has no end to Ajam

#hindi #trending #nationallanguage

Priya kashyap
@Priya_swell_ · 2:03


A show of mind. I'm also a teacher, ma'am. At least bullying