Ronjon Nag
@ronjonn · 2:58

Living longer with exercise and diet

I don't think any of us want to be in misery in the final years of our life for years and years and years. Rather, I think most of us would like to have a very good healthy life being able to do exercise and walk around, be mentally aware right till the very end. And so the oldest person has lived till 126


Arish Ali
@arish · 0:28


Hi Ronjon, welcome to Swell. It's great to hear your voice here. Thank you for your response above on the general question about how to live longer. I'm also looking forward to a deeper discussion with you on AI and Longevity and I have started a series separate conversation with you on that. I'm adding a link below. If you can click on it and go to that conversation, you will have more questions waiting there for you