ravindra singh
@ravindras · 1:01

Why most trending swells are women?

You. I don't know what sometimes feel like most of the trending swells are from women. I don't know why, I just need an answer. Why maximum trending swells are from women. And the most funny thing is most maximum maximum trending swells sound same. I mean, go and listen them. They all sound same. Their voice, their accent, their what do you call it? The way they talk. So why? Why men are not trending? Why?


Ariana .
@ariana. · 0:38
Hi there. Interesting questioning, isn't it? Well, I don't know exactly what the answer is, why women are trending, and I didn't even observe it. To be honest, I don't know why women mostly are trending, and I didn't observe that they sound similar. I really don't know. And I don't know if you'll find the answer or not, but your question is interesting. And the way you asked your question is also interesting
Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:37
And I think this is a very interesting question, but this is the one we should be glad about at least. Women are being hurt somewhere. And yes, as long as the contents are different sounding same, I think wouldn't be the biggest of our concern. So is there any conspiracy theory you have come up with? What do you think it is? Why now? I also want to know why most women swell are trending
ravindra singh
@ravindras · 3:35
Answers and I don't know if I caught the answer or not but I just felt one thing that just because women have more convincing or more maybe, you know what, they have got better content in terms of conveying the message to the world. I don't know how to express it, but I feel like women are expressing their ideas more clearly, more and more effectively