Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:49

Does the day before a holiday feel better than the actual holiday?

And the worst part of any holiday is probably when you get into bed after all the fun and the merrymaking and you realize it's going to be an entire year before you're get to experience all of this again. Super depressing, right? Yeah

#holidayblues #unpopularopinion

Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 2:16


There was this, oh my gosh, what's going to happen? How do you do it all of that. And I can look at both images simultaneously. The image of me, the Virgin me who'd never known anything about making a Turkey or anything like that. And now they've experienced me. Not really. But it's bad analogy. But anyway, horrible analogy. I don't know what I'm thinking these days. Anyway
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:35
Hey, Ramya, on a Monday morning. Yes, it does seem like Friday was better, right? But jokes about when I was a kid, I used to. So look forward to the summer vacations. And in India, you remember those days, right? April 30. April is when school closes and then you head out either to your grandma's or somewhere. Some part of the country spend two months in absolute joy
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 4:39
Witzfit. I haven't seen you here in a while. Welcome back, I guess. Wow. You brought back memories of school days and summer holidays, of two months of absolute. I mean, it's just so interesting when you're kids, you have the summer holiday, Christmas vacations, and we look forward to those and we take them for granted, because when you're older, you don't get that literally. You go on Christmas vacation
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:01
I still go crazy with anticipation before every major holiday and have a post holiday low face that takes a while to settle and not just with holidays. I also love those days leading up to a trip. I love all that research and planning and booking and packing. They kind of give me a high that sometimes is much more than the experience of being on the actual trip
Nidhi A
@nidhi.addy · 1:23
But especially the day before the holiday is really exciting because that's when you're setting all these plans with your friends and you're like, I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that and you're excited to get up. And you also have noticed that for me, the evening before a holiday, usually I don't do any work. I just relax and I relax on a holiday because even in the evening so frequently before Friday evening, right
Anna lisie
@Vanshika.B · 0:37
I definitely believe that the day before the holiday does actually feel better than the holiday itself. And I enjoy the holiday a lot. But the day before is really fun because you don't know what's going going to happen next or what's going to happen the next day. And you're just waiting for that moment. And it's really fun to experience that. And so I do enjoy does does does does does does the day before a holiday next day. And I obviously do enjoy the holiday
@sanjanas08 · 0:50
I agree. Sometimes I'm more excited on the day before the holiday than the holiday itself because you're just just looking forward and you're just so you're so glad that you don't have to go to school or work tomorrow. And I feel like the day after or the actual holiday for me. Sometimes it's just like I always expect a lot and I get so excited and then it's still fun
Cara Plumhoff
@caraplumhoff · 0:27
I honestly totally agree that the day before a holiday feels better. I've never really thought about it before, but like, going to bed on the night before it's just like, so fun then, because you can barely sleep because in the morning it's going to be the best day. And then yeah, like you said, going to bed that day on the holidays, just like the worst thing ever