Rainna SwiftSage
@Rainna · 3:13

If a Spider Doesn't give up , you shouldn't either!

And I'm like, oh, are you kidding me? So I went and I lifted my laptop up in the air just in time for the cord to grab my sparkle water, spill it all over the table, and then that little bugger goes flying away, not literally fine, but like jumping back into the crack of my picnic table. And I'm looking under the picnic table and it's like a portal under there, like the Spider runs on the crack and it vanishes

#Dontgiveup #Spiders #BenjaminFranklin #positive #Quotes #Rainna #Motivational

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:05

Amazing story!

I want to say a couple of things I absolutely hate spiders, so I would have responded in the exact same way, potentially a little bit more intensely, because I just really despise them with all my being and two World of Warcraft. Nice. I don't feel like I know many people that still play it. My brother still plays it a lot, so we get to talk about it. But just such a great game. And hours and hours of fun. Big spiders in that game
Rainna SwiftSage
@Rainna · 1:47
And you're like, what do you play? It's like this thing that you play back and forth. And then once you're like, I play World Warcraft, they're like, I play World of Warcraft. So it's not like something that we just shout from the Hills, but it's safe to on the Internet. You don't get too many sideways. And if you do, you don't know the people who are side eyeing you. So whatever
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rainna SwiftSage
@Rainna · 0:10
And clearly by verbose. I met venomous. Clearly. I don't know. Very many wordy. Spiders. Anyways. That's it. Bye
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 1:15

Love it!!!

I mean, it's like, for Spider one, U, zero, Spider, two U, zero, Spider three, U, zero. Like. Oh, my gosh. Just absolutely brilliant. And then to ultimately tie it, like Callie Gooner said with the Ben Franklin quote and everything. Wow. I can't wait to hear more of you as well. Thank you. Bye