phil spade
@Phil · 4:56

A Debrief of the Trump Presidency

article image placeholderMaga
As I watched the Democratic National Convention, that is something that came to mind. And I thought, Well, we're not going to have any policy discussions anymore. I think that's bad. And I do think that the Trump presidency really kind of cemented that trend. The third, this is not obvious or this is obvious, I should say, and that's the court system. I think the court system with lifelong nominations will be the and and and and and longest lasting legacy

What will be the most impactful and longest lasting legacy?

Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:25
But I think outside of the policies or the ones he stripped away the and and longest lasting legacy, Trump's presidency is going to be, the message that America was not the shining city on the Hill, that we weren't this great beacon of hope and democracy, that we told ourselves that we were, that maybe the rest of the world believed us to be, because through this moment, we all see now Trump is gone. Trump goes away
phil spade
@Phil · 3:47

Thank you @AverageJoe

And when I just think about it, how it hit me personally, there are relatives and there are lifelong friends that I just think differently of. And I don't know that that's ever going to change. I think that's here for good. And I can't count how many times over the past four years and especially this past year, how I'd have conversations with people and then all of a sudden say, Wait, what? Oh, you actually believe that? Are you serious?