phil spade
@Phil · 2:55

Segway Memories!

Yesterday, they announced that Segway is actually Ceasing production, marking the end of the Segway run. And I wanted to create a swell here around Segway Memories because this product was easily one of the most hyped products I can ever recall. And I remember this shroud of secrecy around the product where nobody would say what it was, but they would say, hey, it's going to be transformational. It's going to be one of the best inventions that you've ever seen released to the public

The segway era has come to an end.

Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 2:05

Wrong product in the wrong place at the wrong time.. with wrong price

Hey, Phil, thank you very much for sharing that information. I learned a little bit of history today with your account of Segue. Personally, I'm not leaning one way or the other, but Segway definitely feels to me like one of those products at the wrong place at the wrong time and price a little higher. I definitely feel that in the right place, at the right time with the right price, this might be a pretty darn good product
phil spade
@Phil · 1:52

If Elon Musk introduced the Segway, would the outcome have been different?

And I just wonder, had Elon Musk actually given this to the world, would it be different? Would we have a different outlook? Would it have been marketed different? And I can't help but thinking that he's not at least thinking about taking this over and reintroducing it at some point because I agree with you, it's an electric scooter, and it actually can help people get around. And it makes a lot of sense in a lot of different scenarios
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 1:39
Funny, you should mention that I think it was a year ago in one of the Tesla town hall. So somebody actually asked Elon the exact same thing. How about electric scooters? And the response was was a big mocking? No, my takeaway from that was either Elon did not view it as a viable segment or product segment, or didn't see a path forward, or simply that he had a strong bias against that product, which is for people who know Elon a little more
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 1:56

I want an electric scooter!

And I think it belongs at the Smithsonian, where someone's going to be like, what the heck? What is that? Well, in whatever, 2015, someone came up with this great idea, and someone will be like, Why couldn't they walk anyway, those are my thoughts. I'm not going to miss the Segway. Great swell. Great com here. And yes, I want my electric scooter and Elon Musky. Maybe a stubborn whatever. But I want an electric scooter
Shammi Mohamed
@shammi · 0:27
Hey Shana? S too bad we are in Kobe times. Otherwise I would have definitely asked you to recommend you make a trip down to DC where you'll see one too many electric scooters just lying around in where you can just go in, download an app and rent them out and just take them for a spin. And it's a great way to check out DC by electric scooters