phil spade
@Phil · 4:56

Covid Update - Some good news

He's been studying infectious diseases for the past 45 years, and I consider him an expert. He's written books on exactly what COVID-19 is doing to the country today, and he does a podcast every week, which I highly recommend. I really like it because one he is an expert, but he gives you direct, straight talk. He is really unconcerned about fitting any sort of narrative, and he actually debunks a lot of narratives that are out there in the press right now

Summary of Dr. Osterholms latest update - Three positive signs.

Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 2:07

Link please

Hey, Fol, thank you for sharing those three good news. Third innings in baseball, huh? I'm not a sports person, but I happen to know that baseball has nine innings. If you don't tie, take it second to third inning, I will take it. That is a positive the slow burn. Oh, man. Okay. Yeah
phil spade
@Phil · 2:34


And that's what a lot of people were fearing was if cases go down and then they come up, it's going to come back deadlier. It's going to come back with much more force. And with that not happening, I think it does become a little bit more predictable. And also the hospitals aren't going to be as full as what they would if just imagining something coming back ten times as hard as New York in this past year would be just really devastating