There's a saying the only way out the storm is through the storm. Going through the storm is necessary in this realm which brings about growth and strength. I've come to realize as a result of experiencing what I've experienced in this world, that everything and everyone is a lesson and a blessing. Intertwined. There are people and moments that promote light as well as darkness. And we should learn to be grateful for both


Khalid Hanif
@theElvnth_Our · 0:43
This was very timely and very important. I really admire how you speak life into your poetry and your words. It just brims with a certain energy of positivity. And you do seem to emit light with your words. Deeply, deeply appreciate the affirmations that you place throughout what you share on this platform. And it is needed, it is appreciated. And I look forward to hearing more. Great. Peace. Be well
Ahmed Johnson
@nvisionz81 · 0:10


Thanks, my brother. Thanks for the support. Thanks for listening. Love and light