Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:27

Snow day blizzards : What were some of the activities you did as a child being trapped in your house to keep you occupied.

article image placeholderThe house was your kingdom on snow days
Played cards. We played basic deck playing cards. We played go fish. We played with our action figures. We had the bold rubber wrestling figures we used to play with, and we had the ring where we'd make them wrestle. And I always liked to be Macho man in the Road Warriors. And just those memories you have as a child that stayed in your collective memory of just the fun things like to do in the snow

Talking about the snow days home from school. Trapped inside from a blizzard . What were some fun things you did stuck in the house. What activities d


Thank you for the trip down memory lane. 🙏🏻 @NealD

I mean, we'd go find a snack and bring it in. But were we playing some sort of imaginative game? That part. I don't remember. I just remember the creating process, the excitement of it. Oh, we could do it this way this time. Or maybe we could try that instead. Oh, yes. To be a kid again. Oh, my goodness. I'm just remembering that we also pretended we had these wristwatches you could speak to and communicate with each other
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:55
And it was just so fun. And then we would play, like, private investigator and Hide and seek. I forgot about those kind of games that you make up yourself versus the board games. Really good stuff. Yeah. We did that stuff also, and they were so much fun. And we had laser tag too that we played. And we had AI that we would play. But those games that you mentioned, like, where you thought of other yourself were the best to me

Waterfall game?? @NealD

Oh, maybe I'd love to be cardboard swords. Have fun. Okay, but now you have to explain. What in the world is the Waterfall game
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 1:23
The waterfall game was something we came up with where it was similar to the lava game, where you were on, like, kind of you had to jump on tables around your house or couches and not touch the floor because it was a waterfall and it would take you down. And if you touched the floor, then you would get a container of water poured on you. We would get, like, containers and fill them with water

⚔️ 😄 @NealD

You know, these days I try my very best to dig it up to reenergize that creativity because it adds so much more to our lives, whether it's just in our mental health and feeling better, or whether it's actually helping us solve problems, whether it's something creatively or something more. I don't know, a math problem, an engineering problem, etc. So yeah, every once in a while I'll put a swell out. And I'm like, imagine if let's play