Black magic part 2

But basically, to me, black magic is wishing the worst for somebody and wishing bad things to happen to them, wishing for their downfall and for them not to be okay. And sadly, you may be okay. They may be okay. You know, they may have treated you badly, and they may be okay for a while. But like I said, life's a boomerang. And it may take a while
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:37
So obviously, getting cheated on sucks, but the way you handle it will always affect you more than the person who did that to you, because you'll be the one carrying the feeling for all your life. So much better to. To process that in a way that is, like, net positive, which, of course, doesn't mean, like, ignore those feelings, but when you feel them going out towards someone, you can't change another person. Really, you can't