@Mborn2bfree2 · 1:12

Life Coaching Competencies

Hello. This is my first swell and I am starting a conversation about coaching, about life coaching, about what coaching is and what it's not. I am especially talking about the core competencies of coaching as described by the International Coach Federation. And those competencies guide coaches to professionalism and guide them to be adequate to be good coaches. And one of the competence that I recently explored was called active listening or listening actively. What's the difference?


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:22

#inspire #conversation

I understand that it's not a good habit, but there are some conversations I will try to multitask in. Maybe I'll respond to a text message that comes through or check a list that I need to get done with the day while on the phone with somebody. And not often, but I would say that's just listening. But I think active listening is choosing to really give all of your focus and attention to that person that you're engaged in something with a conversation with, probably