Matthew Johnson
@Matterall · 0:12

Who Is The Greatest Rapper Of All Time

Who who who who who who who who who who who is the greatest rapper of matter

Hip-Hop Talk

Matthew Johnson
@Matterall · 0:06
K dash Reno. In my opinion
Mathyou Griffass
@Mathyou · 0:57

Man that rappers tight!

Yo Matterall. Looks like you did this about three months ago. I'll be the first one to comment on this. I think the best rapper of all time has got to be one of those old school suckers where that wrapper is wrapped on there so tight, man
Josh Anderson
@Enlightenme208 · 1:34
They let your mind get drifting. They could just be sitting there shifting to their pages. Next thing you know, the LSD kicks in badass. How do you like it now? The second best driver is a guy by the name of Josh Ten K. I have a bus that flows like every single day other MC's? No, just stay the h*** out of my way