Mark R Fitness
@Markrfitness · 1:43

My last check in before the end of the year

Hi, guys. How's it going? I'm checking in very quickly. It's been a bit of a rough week again. I'm at the same weight. I'm slightly higher on the scales. I'm towards the end of 162, almost one six, three. The scale Hobbit. And so it's not great. And that's because of different things. Lockdowns like today. I want to get food

Not sure how this will go

Bernie Goldbach
@topgold · 2:14

@Markrfitness stay safe

Just watching the queues headed into the fashion oriented shops. And I discovered that because Tesco has wands that allow you to do shopping while scanning and scanning while shopping. He's happy. The trick I have with him is we've gotten it down to where it's four to five minutes while scanning and shopping. And I can make it into a 15 to 20 minutes exercise. And actually, we did it. It took 38 minutes because I had him taking things off as he scanned one of them
Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 3:40

A lil feminism for ya and happy holidays to all :)

I endure the votes unanimous, doing fine on this end. But that's exactly where the problem begins. Other people imposing their standards on to us for what we should look like in order to be pleasing. But is other objective beauty in the world? I feel like flowers are beautiful and sunrises and sunsets, but they don't have to change in order to be beautiful. There's no way that a flower can be better if it was a rose or if it was a different color
Mark R Fitness
@Markrfitness · 5:00

@Brooke415 @topgold

Hey, Bernie. Hey, Brooke. How's it going? You know, I I messed up on this cast and I said that I wasn't going to be here until my last checkin until other New year. Well, this cost was actually meant to be a reply to my cost. Oh, my God. What am I saying? The weight loss challenge, right. And I did this in between doing something else in the car really quickly and I accidentally posted it here
Mark R Fitness
@Markrfitness · 0:44

157 lbs @Brooke415 @topgold

And I was rambling on again and I was saying $153, 157 is what I was trying to get to £57 anyhow. Let's see, I will post where I was supposed to post right now and I will speak to you guys soon
Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 2:13

@Markrfitness we'll miss you, see you in 2021

Mark, thank you for that clarification. And I understand wanting to have, like, a metric to measure progress against, so it doesn't offend me too greatly if you must insist on your tracking your weight even though you're fit. It's a fiddle and look perfectly healthy to me. It is nice to be able to, I know, be able to track progress that way, so just have a number to put on it and it's efficient