Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:51

Growth Still Happens After 30

And sometimes I do find myself in that space, in that environment where negativity seems to want to creep in, but it doesn't settle. It does not settle in my heart. I'm able to navigate and function through it. It's growth. Some conversations you used to entertain, some people you outgrow. You just develop a low tolerance for those type of situations or people, and it's okay. It's okay. Growth does happen after 30
Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:47
And as I'm growing older, I realize it's best to keep your distance from most people. And I think sensible people do the same thing. They keep their distance because people can be really stupid. Things get messy, things get too personal, people's egos get involved and bruised, and it all becomes very ugly. So it's best to keep people at an arm's length and keep a safe distance from people. And I think everybody should practice that
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Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 2:45


But yes, I actually had a moment where I think, as you have noticed, my vibrations are high or low, where I show my growth, but then when I have a low moment, I'm still human. I'm still trying to react and I'm trying to get to a point where that's far too few in between. But that's all part of the healing journey. So yeah, we do. We definitely still grow after 30
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