Melissa Mccarter
@lissahoop · 2:19

Quentin Tarantino Set Boundaries With His Mother: he didn’t feel obligated because she wasn’t supportive growing up. People can learn from this.

article image placeholderFilm director Quentin Tarantino
That doesn't mean he didn't have a relationship with her. It just meant he didn't feel like he owed her anything, especially if she didn't show support for his work. The idea is that if our parents didn't support us, not just if they neglected or abused us, we don't owe them anything. Even further, there's the idea that we don't owe them anything. Even if they are supportive, they are just doing their jobs

Duty to your parents can be unhealthy. Quentin Tarantino’s attitude can help us have better relationships. #film #family #relationships #mentalhealth
