Lavanya Neti
@lavanyaneti · 3:34

"Narcissistic people aren’t just full of themselves new research finds they’re more... violent" by Brad Bushman and Sophie Kjaervik

article image placeholderNarcissistic people aren't just full of themselves – new research finds they're more likely to be aggressive and violent
And then they also mentioned something that I found super intriguing that Narcissism is on the rise, and social media might be a contributing factor. And so other site data that I'm citing this again. Recent research found that people who posted large numbers of selfies on social media developed 25% rise in Narcissistic traits over a four month period. And so I'm really interested to learn a little bit more about this


Lavanya Neti
@lavanyaneti · 0:45

Narcissism vs Sociopathy

So is there some overlap between Narcissistic and sociopathic behaviors, since both lack, to some extent empathy. And if there is overlap, what are some key differences between these traits? Th
Lavanya Neti
@lavanyaneti · 0:19

Affect of a lack of relationships?

So my second question is regarding the part of the article where you mentioned that Narcissistic people tend to be worse relationship partners. So my question is, does this lack of human affection make their Narcissistic behaviors more extreme? Or doesn't motivate narcissistic people to become more empathetic
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lavanya Neti
@lavanyaneti · 0:14

Consequences on future generations?

Your article mentions that social media could be a factor in increasing rates of observed narcissism. So could this increasing rise of selfabsorbency have any consequences on future generations
Lavanya Neti
@lavanyaneti · 0:34

Is there a cure?

So my last question is a more general question is narcissism a medically diagnosable disorder, and Consequently, is there a cure or a method to decrease Narcissism in an individual? And lastly, if there is no cure, as of now, what is something the community can do together to help decrease levels of Narcissism on average? And once again, thank you so much, Professor Bushman and Ms. Kjaervik for coming on and making the time to talk. I appreciate all your time and effort. Thank you
sophie Kjaervik
@sophiekja · 1:19

Narcissism vs sociopathy

Thank you for your questions. So yeah, I think people high in narcissism and people high in psychopathy share an exaggerated positive self image and a sense of entitlement. They're both associated with a lack of self insight, empathy, as you said, and emotional responsiveness. However, they are motivated by different things. Psychopaths are cunning and manipulating because their egos is in at stake. Psychopaths are the ultimate Con artist and can take on any persona that suits them
sophie Kjaervik
@sophiekja · 0:36

Narcissistic relationship partners

Thank you for this question. Also Lavanya Nate. So I think people higher narcissism lack empathy for others, including relationship partners. They focus mainly on themselves, self and when it comes to relationships, people high nurses tend to play games with their partners so they think they can have anyone they want as a partner and are willing to drop their current partner if someone better comes along because they think they are entitled to what is best
sophie Kjaervik
@sophiekja · 0:43

Future generations

Yeah. When it comes to the future generation, that is a fear that we are, as researchers have, we see that the use of social media is associated with higher levels of focus on the self and self presentation. Since social media provides users with social confirmation in the forms of likes and praise and so forth, we are currently studying whether there is a connection between social media praise and narcissism and with younger and younger children using social media apps. This could become a considerable problem in the future
sophie Kjaervik
@sophiekja · 1:18

NPD and a cure

Yes, Narcissism, in its most extreme form, is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD. And since people with NPD think they are superior barrier to others, they seldom acknowledge that they have a problem, and therefore they often do not seek treatment or help. It is thought that overpracing children can lead to higher levels of Narcissism, and therefore parents and other adults should not tell children that they are superior to other children
Lavanya Neti
@lavanyaneti · 0:16


Thank you so much, Ms. Khachervic, for coming on to all and answering the questions. I really enjoyed listening to all your responses and I'm sure the rest of this walk community will also feel that way. And thank you once again I enjoyed reading your article and look forward to reading your future work as well. Thank you so much
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 0:28

Great swell

Hey, How's it going? I like this. This is great. Swell. And it was really interesting listening to both what yourself and your teacher had to say, I've shared this with a friend of mine who's really, really interested in the subject and the subject of nasty. He's kind of studying it, so he's not on sale, but hopefully he will. Maybe he'll even come here and comment, who knows? But thanks for posting it
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