Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 1:51

Self confidence! How do you boost it?

I just wanted to come on here and ask you guys, how do you deal with selfconfidence in having it or even lacking it? You know, I find that some days I'm very confident in my abilities, and I just feel like I can take on the world. And then other days I feel like I'm really down and I feel feel almost bad about myself, and I just feel really discouraged about going about the day

Something we all struggle with at times! Any tips or tricks?

Fiona Hernandez
@FionaElizabeth · 1:16
And I think sometimes, you know, listening to music or just even being able to hang out with my friends and family and just talk it out and talk it through just helps me out because I think sometimes it's good to just know that there's other good things out in the world and other things to keep yourself occupied and just happy. And I think that helps me boost my self confidence
Sasha Runyen
@sasharunyen20 · 1:31

I totally relate to this!

But I think it is important to remember that we've all accomplished a lot and we should be proud of ourselves all the time because when you're not in a positive mindset, it's really hard to get things done and keep going