Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 1:44

Clear masks? Are masks making it difficult to learn?

I think it's really interesting if you think that it could work or not work. I'm interested to hear I just thought this was an interesting topic. But Yeah

Is this a simple fix or do we need to do more?

Chirag Goel
@its_chirag_0101 · 0:01
Good topic
Gabie Rudolph
@gabrudolph · 0:37
Hey, Kylie, I can definitely understand what you're saying because last semester I had a professor who had a pretty thick accent and was also wearing a mask. So it was pretty difficult to understand them. And sometimes but I don't really think I have the issue this semester just because my professors are pretty loud, I think. But there are definitely times where there could be, like a student who's, like speaking and they're pretty quiet