John DeVore
@JohnDeVore · 4:53

The movies I'm watching instead of getting my life together.

David the little robot boy wants to be a living boy. He goes on a quest to become one. Along the way, he's joined by a small sentient Teddy bear robot and Jude Laud, one of his greatest roles as a sex robot. A Gigolo. A robot who is programmed to give pleasure to women. It's a crazy role in a profoundly depressing and bleak movie. And so it was perfect for where I was at. Well, have you seen AI?
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:25


I don't know if there's something about, like the predictability or sense of control and revisiting things that's good for the depressed or bummed out mind, but it definitely works. So it was very validating to hear you talk about this so openly. Thank you. And you also made me realize that I've never seen AI, even though I remember very vividly when it came out and seeing a trailer for it in the movie theater