Izzy S-L
@Izzy · 0:40

How do you eat your avocados?

article image placeholderF4-B0-A6-B3-F1-A8-4056-A18-A-A735-C8-B0-F6-F1
Hello, everyone. Iffy here just wanting to hop on Swell real quick for a really funny situation that I'm in currently in a debate with my husband, and he suggested that I posted on Swell to see what you all think. So my husband and I were laying in bed watching a show, and he got up to get himself a snack. He grabbed an avocado and a knife and returned to the bed to cut it open, cut it in slices and shove it all in mouth

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phil spade
@Phil · 0:33

Have to cut in half!

Izzy, I believe that is incorrect. I believe the correct method. I think it's a rule, actually, that you have to cut it in half. Then you take the pit out, and then you Peel the rind away, and then you eat it as a half. So I think you need a plate for it too. But I always eat them in half because I always the most I'll eat at one time as a half, and I've always cut them in half
Keary Prophet
@kmkprophet · 0:10
I eat avocados any way I can. Avocados are great. I don't care how you eat them
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 0:12

Halfsies! 🔪 🥑

I'm with filling this when you got to cut it in half and take a pit out, then you can use a spoon. You can cut it into chunks. You could have slices, but you've got to cut it in half first