Hi. My name is Kiera Neidengale. I am an artist, musician, scientist, biologist, actress, musician. Did I say that already? Anyway, Renaissance Human. I have a YouTube channel called Art Science Wonder. I'm really into sea setting, bio, generative systems and habitats for space. I've been in multiple startups, including biology ones, longevity ones, and even a rocket startup. But anyway, all in good fun

#youtuber #human www.youtube.com/artsciencewonder

Poker Man
@RealPokerMan · 0:39
Kira wasaaa just want to welcome you to swell hope you have a swell of time out here. And yes, I am following you. You but don't thank me yet because I'll probably wait about 13 minutes and if you don't follow me back, I will block you. There is no blocking feature here, so I'll just unfollow you if I you don't follow me back, that's all. No big deal
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:12
Your name was cool enough for me to want to check out your YouTube channel, so I'm definitely going to be doing that, but it seems like you're into a lot of really cool topics, so welcome to Swell, and I'll definitely be checking out your stuff
phil spade
@Phil · 1:00

Start ups

Hi, Kara. Welcome. You know, there is a decent, swell community around science and startups, and I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more about your startups. I'm always fascinated about ideas and startups, especially those that have a basis in science or math. I've just seen some great ideas just confusing mathematics and algorithms into a business flow. But I think that's where a lot of innovations come from
Art Science Wonder
@Hedy_Lamarr · 0:16

Haha welll

Hi. Yes, I would love to follow you, but I would like to see some content first, so I don't just do favors for nothing. You better post something and then I'll check and I'll follow you. Ha
Art Science Wonder
@Hedy_Lamarr · 0:26

Videos and Swells and thanks!!!

Thanks. I do plan on releasing another video soon. My videos have been a little bit sparse, but they kind of have to be inspired at times, especially since I have been doing so many projects during the pandemic. Thank you for showing interest though, and I did just post a new swell cast about longevity science. If that's a topic that interests you
Art Science Wonder
@Hedy_Lamarr · 0:50

Start ups and science

Phil, thank you for bringing this up. Yes. This is actually a topic that I am pretty passionate about, and I would love to share more about startups because I've been in numerous amount of them. And I've learned so much and I've seen so much. And I do think that it is a rare gem of a company defined in science that truly understands both the scientific side and especially the business side. I think there's a lot to say about that in particular
phil spade
@Phil · 2:23
All decisions become extremely myopic and not long term at all. And to be honest with you, I'm really interested to hear about the failures. I think we learned so much by failures and why something didn't come to market or why something didn't succeed. Sometimes it's too early. Sometimes it's just not good timing